Monday, July 22, 2019

California Rep. Duncan Hunter used campaign funds for extramarital affairs, prosecutors say
"Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) used campaign money to fund a series of extramarital affairs with congressional staffers and lobbyists, federal prosecutors allege in a new court filing in his corruption case. Prosecutors say Hunter “improperly” diverted funds “to pursue these romances wholly unrelated to either his congressional campaigns or his official duties as a member of Congress.” The filing comes less than two weeks after Hunter’s wife and former campaign manager, Margaret Hunter, pleaded guilty of conspiring to misuse campaign funds. Last August, a federal grand jury indicted the couple, alleging they illegally financed a lavish lifestyle of travel, gifts, fine dining and other expenses with campaign money, then submitted false reports to the Federal Election Commission to cover it up. In total, prosecutors said the Hunters spent more than $250,000 on personal expenses — from dental care to their children’s tuition — that they listed as campaign-related gifts, donations and travel."