Thursday, March 9, 2017

Paul Ryan, Trump staff say Trump didn't mean it when he said no Social Security, Medicare cuts
"Ryan has long pushed for reforming Medicare to keep that system solvent, but he also argues strongly changing the big ticket entitlement is the only way to really rein in deficit spending. "I've been a big time entitlement reformer for a long time because if you don't start bending the curve in the out years, we are hosed," Ryan said bluntly Tuesday morning. By the way, this is one of Ryan's very favorite lies, one which this CNN story fails to debunk. Medicare isn't facing an insolvency crisis and one of the reasons why is because of Obamacare. But Ryan isn't going to give up on this goal anytime soon, and he clearly believes he's got a president he can hoodwink or arm-twist into doing his will."