"It’s bad enough that these grifters have put all of the employees of the Refuge out of work, but now they have also caused kids to lose valuable time in their classrooms and put others in the line of fire. While all of this is going on, the mainstream media refuses to address the situation with the severity that it requires, acting like their demands are legitimate and legitimizing them by calling them “protesters.” The GOP claims to care about America and families, but when their own feeble-minded, merry band of anti-government “patriots” carry out an armed insurgency, they quietly applaud them and declare their support for resisting the federal government. At the end of the day, if any children are hurt or these 800 kids are forced to lose even more time in their classrooms, the blame will lie squarely at the feet of the Republican Party. They have spent nearly a decade brainwashing their ammosexual, Obama-hating base and we are now seeing the result of their rhetoric play out live in Oregon."