Sunday, January 5, 2014

Darrell Issa’s Cruelest Cut: A Seriously Cynical Attack on the Postal Service | The Nation

Darrell Issa’s Cruelest Cut: A Seriously Cynical Attack on the Postal Service | The Nation
"The USPS has historically been one of the nation’s largest employers of veterans—second only to the US Department of Defense, according to USPS figures. Roughly 120,000 postal service employees—more than 20 percent of the total workforce—have records of service in the military. Roughly a third of those employees are rated as 30 percent or more disabled, a reflection of the fact that the postal service goes out of its way to provide an array of employment services and options for veterans.
Cuts to the postal service threaten an institution that provides jobs to veterans and that—thanks to its own practices and strong commitments from postal unions—respects them once they are in those jobs.
Instead of embracing Issa’s latest and most cynical assault on a necessary service, Congress should do right by veterans. It can move to strengthen the USPS, along lines proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, and Congressmen Peter DeFazio, D-Oregon, and Mark Pocan, D-Wisconsin."