Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Endangered Species Act Turns 40 Facing Environmental And Political Dangers

"Since then the ESA has been credited with saving a number of species from the brink of extinction, including the bald eagle, the American alligator, the grizzly bear and the prairie dog. The act has prevented the extinction of 99 percent of the more than 2,140 species it currently protects."

Overthrow the Speculators | Common Dreams

Overthrow the Speculators | Common Dreams
"Speculators at megabanks or investment firms such as Goldman Sachs are not, in a strict sense, capitalists. They do not make money from the means of production. Rather, they ignore or rewrite the law—ostensibly put in place to protect the vulnerable from the powerful—to steal from everyone, including their shareholders. They are parasites. They feed off the carcass of industrial capitalism. They produce nothing. They make nothing. They just manipulate money. Speculation in the 17th century was a crime."

Why "Fines" Don't Stop Bad Corporate Behavior

"Unless the federal government actually threatens the executives of criminal corporations with jail time, nothing is going to change. Fear is the only thing that keeps a sociopath in line."

Republicans Are Betting on a Losing Strategy in 2014 | Common Dreams

Republicans Are Betting on a Losing Strategy in 2014 | Common Dreams
"The shutdown, the sequester, and now the cruel cancellation of unemployment benefits during Christmas hurts many of the same people the Republicans want to court."

Why Republicans Don’t Believe In Evolution Anymore

"There are two keys to understanding what the Pew poll teaches us about Republicans. First, the drop in belief in evolution is among Republicans and, more or less, Republicans only. Acceptance of human evolution was basically the same among Democrats and independents in 2013 as it was in 2009. Second, the share of the total population that believes in evolution hasn’t changed at all. The drop in Republican belief doesn’t appear to be people changing their minds about evolution so much as people who already didn’t believe in evolution becoming Republicans.
Why might that be? The obvious explanation is the changing character of the Republican base."

The National Memo » The Democrats’ Not-So-Secret Weapon For 2014? Raising The Minimum Wage

The National Memo » The Democrats’ Not-So-Secret Weapon For 2014? Raising The Minimum Wage
"In March of this year, the House GOP unanimously voted against raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour over three years."

The National Memo » Call It A Comeback: More Than 9 Million Americans Have Health Insurance Through Obamacare

The National Memo » Call It A Comeback: More Than 9 Million Americans Have Health Insurance Through Obamacare
"After two months of barely functioning, the federal online health care exchanges delivered, racking up 975,000 enrollments in the month of December. That brings the total number of people who have picked a plan through an exchange since October 1 to about two million. The administration reached about two-thirds of its goal of enrolling 3.3 million by the end of 2013 after being fully operational one-third of the time. And it turns out most of the enrollments came during the one-week extension the White House gave itself after the initial problems with the site became apparent.
Four million people have qualified for Medicaid, according to ACASignups.net. Another 3.1 million young adults are covered by their parents’ health insurance, thanks to a provision in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
This means over nine million people have gained coverage through the ACA since it first became law."

Burning cows: Extreme weather and America’s perilous food supply

Burning cows: Extreme weather and America’s perilous food supply
"The United States leads the world in staples like corn, beef and soybeans. Because the vast majority of these US foodstuffs are produced in the heartland, changes to climate here can affect dinner tables around the world."

The 8 Most Absurd Things the Right Wing Did This Year

"From Megyn Kelly's freak out over Santa Claus to GOP efforts to kill Obamacare -- here's the worst of the worst."

Bernie Sanders: Congress Is Dysfunctional and Putting the US at Risk

Bernie Sanders: Congress Is Dysfunctional and Putting the US at Risk
"There is no tax break for the rich or large corporations that they don't like. There is no program which protects working families -- Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, affordable housing, etc. -- that they don't want to cut."

Sister Simone Campbell of Nuns on the Bus: My Hopes for 2014

Sister Simone Campbell of Nuns on the Bus: My Hopes for 2014
"We have a chance now to renew our social contract and to make sure that hardworking Americans earn enough to support their families."

What The Hell Is Happening At Fukushima Reactor 3?

What The Hell Is Happening At Fukushima Reactor 3?

"We know that TEPCO has lied all along, and I don't think our own government is going to tell us even if something is going on (under the law, they have the authority to lie to us in order to prevent panic that would affect the food supply). So it's not unreasonable to assume that whatever's going on, it's usually a lot worse than what the Powers That Be will admit.
Because when corporate interests have become synonymous with those of a nation's government, the safety of the citizens is way down on the priority list."

You Won't Believe Conservatives' Absurd Theories They Think Will Cure Poverty

"But the very same study shows that America’s deregulated, capitalism-gone-wild economy has done far less to lift people out of poverty during that same period. The facts demonstrate clearly that government services have made the difference in people’s lives, while America’s economic policies have failed."

Monday, December 30, 2013

If Memory Swerves: The 1 Percent Laughs Last, as Wall Street Wins Again | Common Dreams

If Memory Swerves: The 1 Percent Laughs Last, as Wall Street Wins Again | Common Dreams
"It was the unavoidable explosion after decades of deregulation and willful blindness. A kind of waste product had been deliberately moved through the bowels of a hundred shady mortgage outfits. It was then gilded by delusional ratings agencies and sold to the world by the most respected names in finance. Bribery and deceit and crazy incentives had been the laxatives that pushed this product down the pipe; money and bonhomie and reassuring economic theory had been the sedatives that put the regulators to sleep.
The industry would supervise itself, we were told — and we believed it. Instead our economic order turned out to be wobbly, even rotten. The great banks looked insolvent. The great capitalists looked like criminals."

Sen. Bernie Sanders On 2014: Seize the Moment | Common Dreams

2014: Seize the Moment | Common Dreams
"In my view, the main cause of congressional dysfunction is an extreme right-wing Republican party whose main goal is to protect the wealthy and powerful. There is no tax break for the rich or large corporations that they don't like. There is no program which protects working families -- Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, affordable housing, etc. -- that they don't want to cut."

The Republican Autopsy Report Revisited: 5 Ways The GOP Got Worse In 2013 | Right Wing Watch

The Republican Autopsy Report Revisited: 5 Ways The GOP Got Worse In 2013 | Right Wing Watch
"After a devastating loss in 2012, Republicans claimed that they didn’t need to change themselves or their platform, but only cosmetic attributes such as their rhetoric and presentation. Other right-wing activists simply pretended that Republicans actually won the last election.
But if the actions taken this year by Republican leaders are any clue, it looks like Republicans either ignored or outright rejected even the superficial recommendations made in the GOP’s plan to revive the party"

Republicans Devastate The Lives of 1.3 Million Americans as the Media Stays Silent

"Republicans ended 2013 exactly the way they started it and have already indicated they are not about to change course in 2014.  Without their sequester, job killing cuts, and economy retarding austerity economics the 1.3 million unemployed Americans would likely have jobs, but like their promised $40 billion cuts to food stamps, threats to extract more cuts in the next debt ceiling crisis, and counsel to get more tax breaks for the rich, the economy and jobs are going to continue suffering if for nothing else than to increase the income gap creating a population living in poverty. Americans can depend on the corporate-owned media to continue keeping devastating economic news out of the public consciousness because there is a midterm election on the horizon. The media is not about to damage Republican’s electoral chances by telling Americans the reason they are in poverty, not finding good jobs, and losing their unemployment benefits is because Republicans in Congress successfully executed their economic agenda."

The “middle class” myth: Here’s why wages are really so low today

The “middle class” myth: Here’s why wages are really so low today
"Want to understand the failures of the "free market" and the key to getting a decent wage? Here's the real story"

Elizabeth Warren: Every American Has the Right to Retire with Dignity—Why We Must Expand Social Security

"Social Security works; no one runs out of benefits and the guaranteed payments don't rise and fall with the stock market. Two-thirds of seniors rely on it for the majority of their income in retirement, and for 14 million seniors, this is the safety net that keeps them out of poverty. And yet, instead of taking on the retirement crisis, instead of strengthening Social Security, some in Washington are actually fighting to cut benefits."

Booming Solar Energy Halted by Hawaii Utility Because Sun Produces Too Much Power!

Booming Solar Energy Halted by Hawaii Utility Because Sun Produces Too Much Power!
"Now, a nation that cannot invest in fixing its electrical grid -- if you believe the utility company excuse for basically shutting down solar expansion in Hawaii -- is a nation that is not the greatest on earth, but one doomed to failure while its energy policy is dictated by the profiteering, environmentally toxic fossil fuel industry and utility companies."

Young Americans Can Buy Health Insurance For Under $100

"In fact, almost 5 in 10 single, uninsured Millennials will be eligible for plans in the Marketplace that cost only $50 per month or less after tax credits."

The 10 biggest GOP rebranding fails of 2013

The 10 biggest GOP rebranding fails of 2013
"In March of this year, just a few months after the party’s drubbing in the 2012 elections, the Republican National Committee released its much-anticipated “autopsy” report. The goal of the report was to explain the GOP’s 2012 failure and to recommend changes the party could make to improve its chances in the future. On both counts, the authors concluded, the answer was inclusiveness — or the lack thereof. If the GOP were to stay competitive on the national level, it would be necessary to change the way many voters (young and Latino ones, especially) saw the party. And in order to do that, the Republican Party would, as the authors put it, have to “stop talking to itself.” It was time to rebrand.
Nine months later, however, it’s hard to conclude that the GOP’s rebranding effort has been anything other than an abysmal failure."

All In All-Star Show: Voting Rights Act

Do-Nothing Congress Even Better At Doing Nothing Than Last Year

Fukushima Responders Starting To Get Sick

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nearly One And A Half Million Workers Will Get A Raise On New Year’s Day

"Come January 1, over 1.4 million people — 1,441,000 to be exact — will get a raise thanks to increasing minimum wages in 13 states, according to an analysis by the National Employment Law Project (NELP)."

Federal Obamacare Enrollments Soar Past One Million Mark Through Christmas Eve

"Some states — including California, New York, and Washington — have reported enrollment spikes similar to the federal marketplace in the last month."

Talking Heads Praise Pope's Concern for Poor, Ignore Own Part in Austerity Politics

Talking Heads Praise Pope's Concern for Poor, Ignore Own Part in Austerity Politics
"They probably weren't hired for their introspection, but it's still a little startling when you see how little responsibility Beltway media types take for pushing austerity politics."

Living in a red state is hazardous to your health

"Of the 25 states above the national average, 19 are blue and just six are red. Of the 25 states below the national average, 17 are red and just eight are blue.
Environmental policies, access to health insurance, workplace safety regulations ... these things matter. They are literally a matter of life and death. And it's clear that conservatism is hazardous to your health."

Seems like the Pope Has Conservative Paul Ryan Rattled

"Sure, a lot of Republicans share blame with Ryan. But he deserves extra-special (negative) credit for the deal, because he has lately had the audacity to depict himself as the new face of “compassionate conservatism,” insisting Republicans must pay attention to the problems of the poor. Friends say the man who once worshipped Ayn Rand now takes Pope Francis as his moral role model. Except he can’t help treating his new role model with arrogance and contempt."

Pope Francis Is Hated By Conservatives, But Americans Approve Of Him By A Landslide

"Pope Francis has taken up the plight of the poor and immigrants. He supports protecting the environment. He has called for putting a stop to hating homosexuals. He has been a progressive on women’s rights. And he has attacked trickle-down economics as a “tyranny.” In addition, he has also condemned obsessive ideology and those Christians who think they are superior to others. In short, Pope Francis represents everything that conservatives hate."

What America Would Look Like If Libertarians Got Their Way

"A North America dotted with Third World colonies. And a blighted landscape where Others are subjugated to Owners."

Meet The Man Who Told The GOP How To Destroy America’s Middle Class

"The Powell Memo came up with the plan, the blueprint. Based on the ideas presented in the Powell Memo, the Republican party created think tanks responsible for dispersing misleading information with a false cloak of authenticity. The Heritage Foundation is a classic example of this."

The National Memo » America’s Greediest: The Koch Brothers, The ‘Libertarians’ Who Hate The Free Market

The National Memo » America’s Greediest: The Koch Brothers, The ‘Libertarians’ Who Hate The Free Market
"While the Kochs insist that their goal is freedom, their agenda seems entirely based on policies that increase economic inequality and make it easy for carbon polluters like Koch Industries to continue their unfettered domination of energy markets.
Perhaps the best example of the Kochs’ hypocrisy comes in their war on solar power.
While the Kochs spent millions to try to put politicians in office who have vowed to never raise taxes on the rich or anyone, the billionaires are aiding efforts to “tax the sun” in an effort to squash the nascent solar industry."

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Detroit’s Deals with Financial Institutions Led to Disaster

Detroit’s Deals with Financial Institutions Led to Disaster
"Today’s New York Times published one of the most important stories yet about the Detroit bankruptcy, a story that shines a harsh light on the financial institutions whose tricky deal-making helped tank the city’s finances. At the heart of the story is Detroit’s decision to enter into swap contracts that were spectacularly ill-advised."

Robert Reich Takes on Ryan Adviser Who Claims Income Inequality is Not a Problem

Robert Reich Takes on Ryan Adviser Who Claims Income Inequality is Not a Problem
"Here we go again with another one of these Third Way flacks making their way onto our airways -- although this one has moved onto the Manhattan Institute and working as an economic adviser for Rep. Paul Ryan."

Friday, December 27, 2013

Inequality: An Essential Reader

Inequality: An Essential Reader
"How did we arrive at this new Gilded Age? And how might we create an economy of broadly shared prosperity?"

For-Profit Prisons: Eight Statistics That Show the Problems

For-Profit Prisons: Eight Statistics That Show the Problems
"States sign agreements with private prisons to guarantee that they will fill a certain number of beds in jail at any given point. The most common rate is 90%, though some prisons are able to snag a 100% promise from their local governments. Because of these contracts, the state is obligated to keep prisons almost full at all times or pay for the beds anyway, so the incentive is to incarcerate more people and for longer in order to fill the quota."

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thank a Postal Worker This Holiday Season | Common Dreams

Thank a Postal Worker This Holiday Season | Common Dreams
"Postal workers are still under assault from political slackers in Washington—like House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa, R-California, and the wrecking crew he has assembled to diminish the United States Postal Service to such an extent that it can be bartered off to the highest bidder."

Moral Monday Movement Set To Spread Across South

Moral Monday Movement Set To Spread Across South
"Moral Monday protests in North Carolina against a raft of recent legislation targeting voters and teachers will continue in 2014. Reporting by the AP suggests that the protests will spread across the South."

Phoenix ends chronic homelessness among vets

Papers show Koch money behind economic study

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Conservatives' Quagmire: The War on Christmas | Common Dreams

Conservatives' Quagmire: The War on Christmas | Common Dreams
"The annual "war on Christmas" took an unexpected twist this holiday season, when the UK-based website the Freethinker published the ironic headline "First known casualty in America's 2013 'War on Xmas' turns out to be a Salvation Army member". A woman attacked a bell ringer in Phoenix, Arizona because she was angry at being wished a "Happy Holidays" instead of honoring Jesus' birth by saying "Merry Christmas"."

Phoenix Reduces its Population of Chronically Homeless Veterans to Zero

Phoenix Reduces its Population of Chronically Homeless Veterans to Zero
"This could be a sign of things to come as the Obama administration aims to eradicate homelessness among veterans by 2015."

Cruelty, Corporations, Congress, and Christmas: Unhappy Holidays for the Poor & Unemployed | Common Dreams

Cruelty, Corporations, Congress, and Christmas: Unhappy Holidays for the Poor & Unemployed | Common Dreams
"It's the holiday season in the United States and members of Congress and corporate executives are home with their families.
Meanwhile, in a year that Congress decided to slash funds for the federal food stamp program while also refusing to extend unemployment benefits to millions of people still suffering from a financial crisis created by large banks and a corrupted government, working people and the nation's most vulnerable have been left to fend for themselves."

Monday, December 23, 2013

'Gaffe-ing All the Way': Corporate Gluttony This Holiday Season | Common Dreams

'Gaffe-ing All the Way': Corporate Gluttony This Holiday Season | Common Dreams
"At a time of year when we're inclined to show empathy for people less fortunate than ourselves, some of our top business leaders are notable for comments that show their disdain for struggling Americans. Their words may seem too outlandish to have been uttered, or inappropriately humorous, but all the speakers were serious."

Harvey Wasserman Wants You to Know the Truth About Fukushima

Harvey Wasserman Wants You to Know the Truth About Fukushima
"At Fukushima Unit 4, the impending removal of hugely radioactive spent fuel rods from a pool 100 feet in the air presents unparalleled scientific and engineering challenges."

Sunday, December 22, 2013

WSJ Panel Celebrates 'Third Way' Attack on Elizabeth Warren

WSJ Panel Celebrates 'Third Way' Attack on Elizabeth Warren
"After they finished bashing Pope Francis for daring to speak up about income disparity and the need to take care of the poor, talking heads on Fox moved on attacking yet another of their favorite targets, Massachusetts Senator and progressive champion Elizabeth Warren."

Fox's Henninger: 'Rookie Pope' Should Be More Careful About Choosing His Words

Fox's Henninger: 'Rookie Pope' Should Be More Careful About Choosing His Words
"The right wing and their cohorts in the media, really, really dislike this new pope. From this Saturday's The Journal Editorial Report on Fox "news," host Paul Gigot and his guests were all opining on how terrible it is that Pope Francis dared to speak up about taking care of the poor and income disparity."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mitch McConnell Wants To Repeal Heath Care Of Over 92,000 Kentuckians

Mitch McConnell Wants To Repeal Heath Care Of Over 92,000 Kentuckians
"And when any Republican talks about repealing Obamacare, what they're really calling for is repealing health care insurance for every single person who has gotten their coverage on a health care exchange, and the number of people in that group is growing with each and every passing day."

How to Mess Up a Perfectly Good Democracy as Seen From Down Under

How to Mess Up a Perfectly Good Democracy as Seen From Down Under
"Living underneath the real world, as we do in Oz, we tend to do things back to front. For example, for us, voting is a tedious duty - but up there in the Greatest Democracy in the World, voters are exercising a privilege. That's why so many people in the United States have to struggle to get registered as voters, and their right to vote can be canceled at the stroke of a judge's gavel or a bureaucrat's whim. In fact, the right to vote was so restricted in some US states that the federal government had to step in and enforce fair voter-registration laws. Unfortunately, as you will know, the Voting Rights Act was recently emasculated by the Supreme Court which, on somewhat underwhelming grounds, decided that the discrimination that led to the original act had been overcome and so the act could be weakened. This has been greeted with hoots of delight in many states, which have immediately reintroduced the sorts of restrictions that brought about the VRA in the first place."

Friday, December 20, 2013

GOP gets ‘down the block’ tough

Southern Republicans Drag the Rest of the Nation Down by Doing the Kochs’ Bidding

"One of the reasons America has become a third-world nation is three decades of Republican trickle-down economics, the monopolization, privatization and deregulation of industry, and decimation of labor protection has sent 50 million Americans into wretched poverty while all the wealth has risen to the top 1% of income earners instead of investing in America. In fact, the destruction of labor has gotten so bad that real first-world nations offshore their jobs to the American South making this country the new Indonesia because foreign corporations look at America as having one of the world’s cheapest labor forces on the planet; solely because of the non-unionized, right to work for less Southern states."

National Paid Family Leave May Finally Be on the Horizon | Common Dreams

National Paid Family Leave May Finally Be on the Horizon | Common Dreams
"Any working parent will tell you that raising a family might as well be another full-time job—one that comes with no vacation days or health benefits. But millions of Americans don't get days off from their regular job, either, even for the sake of their health or their family’s."

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Lift Wages for Millions and Provide a Modest Economic Boost | Economic Policy Institute

Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Lift Wages for Millions and Provide a Modest Economic Boost | Economic Policy Institute
"Every year that the minimum wage remains the same in nominal dollars, inflation slowly erodes its real (i.e., inflation-adjusted) value, leaving minimum-wage workers with a paycheck that cannot buy as much as it did in years past."

The GOP Is a Cult Worthy of Jim Jones

The GOP Is a Cult Worthy of Jim Jones
"From taking away health care and food, to failing to fight climate change or give unemployed Americans assistance, Republicans are effectively killing off the very people who have helped put them in positions of power.
 If that doesn't scream cult, I don't know what does..."

The Progressive Honor Roll of 2013 | The Nation

The Progressive Honor Roll of 2013 | The Nation
"This past year was about a lot more than Ted Cruz and the surreal shutdown politics of the Republican right. Across America, grassroots groups, bold unions, inspired activists, crusading editors and courageous elected officials did great things. They are the real heroes of 2013, and The Nation’s Progressive Honor Roll celebrates them for their accomplishments this year and their determination to do even more in 2014."

PERRspectives: House GOP Report Silent on Medicare's Use of Navigators for Over 20 Years

PERRspectives: House GOP Report Silent on Medicare's Use of Navigators for Over 20 Years
"Like GOP leaders in other states, Rick Perry has made the navigators' jobs virtually impossible. Georgia Insurance Commission Ralph Hudgens could have been speaking for Darrell Issa and the entire Republican Party when he described how his state was blocking access to navigators for Obamacare that the Medicare program had been using for over 20 years"

PERRspectives: GOP Releases Government, Takes U.S. Economy Hostage Again

PERRspectives: GOP Releases Government, Takes U.S. Economy Hostage Again
"That was quick. Just two days after he joined House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) in lashing out against right-wing extremists who threatened to trigger another government shutdown by blocking his compromise budget, Rep. Paul Ryan on Sunday promised to support the Tea Party's other favorite act of national economic blackmail. Despite the fact that both Ryan and Boehner have admitted "we have no immediate debt crisis" and that "you can't not raise the debt limit" because that "would be a financial disaster, not only for our country but for the worldwide economy," Ryan on Sunday threatened to do just that."

Breach at Target stores may have hit 40 mn accounts

Breach at Target stores may have hit 40 mn accounts
"US retail giant Target said Thursday some 40 million customers may have had bank card data compromised by hackers who broke into its database as holiday shopping got underway."

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Why Are Republicans Socking It to the Unemployed?

Why Are Republicans Socking It to the Unemployed?
"Paul and his colleagues think that by cutting off unemployment insurance to millions of Americans, they’re actually motivating them to get jobs.
 And that’s fine if there are jobs to get. But there aren’t.
 As of November, there were 10.9 million unemployed Americans. Yet, employers only added 203,000 jobs last month.
 While those new jobs might help the economy, they’re obviously not enough to put all unemployed Americans back to work.
 But Republicans don’t get that."

Republican To Concede In VA Attorney General Race

Republican To Concede In VA Attorney General Race
"Obenshain's concession means all statewide offices in Virginia will be held by Democrats, a welcome change from the administration of Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli."

Sen. Warren Aims to Fix 'One More Way the System Is Rigged' | Common Dreams

Sen. Warren Aims to Fix 'One More Way the System Is Rigged' | Common Dreams
"Legislation introduced by Warren would prohibit employers from using prospective employees' credit scores as a basis for hiring"

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dean Baker | The End of the Assault on Social Security and Medicare

Dean Baker | The End of the Assault on Social Security and Medicare
"When Senator Elizabeth Warren came out for increasing Social Security last month it set in motion a remarkable turn of events."

Noam Chomsky Continues to Inspire | Common Dreams

Noam Chomsky Continues to Inspire | Common Dreams
"He’s one of the world’s best-known intellectuals and one of the least vain. Or elitist. Put him in a roomful of a thousand social activists (not uncommon surroundings for him) and you’ll see him attempt to meet each of them, one-by-one, until he’s physically removed to rush to the airport or next appointment."

Goodies for the Rich, Pennies for the Poor

Goodies for the Rich, Pennies for the Poor
"Republicans don't give a rat's ass about working-class Americans, but they want you to think they do."

Senate GOP Meeting Tuesday to Figure Out How to Block More Nominees | Alternet

Senate GOP Meeting Tuesday to Figure Out How to Block More Nominees | Alternet
"Senate Republicans aren't sure yet how they're going to try to continue to block President Obama's nominees, now that they can't filibuster them on the floor. But what they do know is that they want to keep blocking the nominations."

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why Shopping at Walmart Is No Bargain | Alternet

Why Shopping at Walmart Is No Bargain | Alternet
"So that last great argument about Walmart being more affordable is dead in the water. Could a caring, sensible person continue to shop there, knowing all that we now know?"

Fox Panel Continues Push to Privatize the Post Office

Fox Panel Continues Push to Privatize the Post Office
"The more things change, the more they stay the same. It's been over seven years now since Congress voted do its best to destroy the United States Post Office by forcing the agency to over fund their pension plan and the right wing's been using it as an excuse to privatize them ever since."

When Will the Media Learn? Conservatives Are NOT “Centrists”! | Alternet

When Will the Media Learn? Conservatives Are NOT “Centrists”! | Alternet
"From Chris Christie to Third Way, the political class mislabels the political center. Here's why it's so dangerous."

10 Certifiably Insane Rants from the Right-Wing Fringe This Week: War on Santa Edition | Alternet

10 Certifiably Insane Rants from the Right-Wing Fringe This Week: War on Santa Edition | Alternet
"Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump and Pat Robertson vie for the craziest prize."

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bill Moyers: 'We Are This Close to Losing Our Democracy to the Mercenary Class' | Alternet

Bill Moyers: 'We Are This Close to Losing Our Democracy to the Mercenary Class' | Alternet
"The historian Plutarch warned us long ago of what happens when there is no brake on the power of great wealth to subvert the electorate."

As It Turns Out, There Still Is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy - The Many Friends of ALEC

As It Turns Out, There Still Is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy - The Many Friends of ALEC
"Meanwhile, newly revealed documents show that legislators who co-chair ALEC committees must sign a State Chair Job Description and Agreement. Among other things, state legislator chairs agree to "act with care and loyalty and put the interests of the organization [ALEC] first." Another provision says: "Legislators must inform ALEC of any public records / FOIA requests that include ALEC documents"."

Teen DUI Killer Gets Off After Defense Claims 'Affluenza'

Teen DUI Killer Gets Off After Defense Claims 'Affluenza'
"A Texas teenager who killed four in a drunken driving accident was sentenced to probation after defense lawyers argued his wealthy parents never taught him right from wrong."

NJ bridge story extending into scandal

Boeing is a Greedy, Freeloading Corporation That Screws American Taxpayers and Workers | Alternet

Boeing is a Greedy, Freeloading Corporation That Screws American Taxpayers and Workers | Alternet
"The aerospace company makes out like a bandit while sucking the lifeblood from the real economy."

6 Reasons There's No Such Thing As Compassionate Conservatism | Alternet

6 Reasons There's No Such Thing As Compassionate Conservatism | Alternet
"Conservatives worship Ayn Rand, who said it was morally wrong to help people. How's that for compassionate?"

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The ‘craziest political fundraising letter’

Highlights from Obama’s tribute to Mandela

There's A Federal Pension Grab In The Details Of New Budget

There's A Federal Pension Grab In The Details Of New Budget
"It's always about protecting the rich at the expense of the workers."

Bailout of General Motors vindicated

America’s Retirement Crisis Grows as Cities Raid Pension and Health Plans | Alternet

America’s Retirement Crisis Grows as Cities Raid Pension and Health Plans | Alternet
"Across America, states, counties and cities are taking steps that will make retirement for ex-public employees much harsher. Courts, politicans and corporations are all working together to chip away at deferred wages: reducing pensions or eliminating promised healthcare, or both. Said simply, they’re looting retirements and pushing people toward poverty."

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

U.S. Will Top Germany In Solar Installation For The First Time In 15 Years

"By the end of the year, more than 400,000 solar projects will be operating across the U.S. and installations will have grown 27 percent over 2012, with a 52 percent growth rate in the residential sector alone, according to GTM’s forecast."

Obama’s grand exit from the car business

Heartless’ Republicans on unemployment

Sen. Bernie Sanders Continues Fight for Single Payer | Common Dreams

Sen. Bernie Sanders Continues Fight for Single Payer | Common Dreams
"Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) continued his push for a single-payer system healthcare system on Monday, introducing legislation that he says would allow for better care at lower costs."

How Wall Street Bankrupted Detroit | Interview with Richard Wolff

PERRspectives: GM Bailout Produced a Windfall for U.S. Taxpayers

PERRspectives: GM Bailout Produced a Windfall for U.S. Taxpayers
"But thanks to the Bush and Obama administrations, the Upper Midwest did not enter an economic death spiral leading to a permanent depression."

Republican’s elitist view of minimum wage

Republican nightmare begins: Obamacare is 'a godsend' for people getting coverage

"That's precisely what Republicans have been fighting against so desperately for the past four years; people's lives being made fundamentally better. People realizing that government can be a direct force for good in their personal lives. It's every Republican's nightmare, and it's going to play out in every state until next November."

The Koch Brothers Are Still Trying to Break Wind | Common Dreams

The Koch Brothers Are Still Trying to Break Wind | Common Dreams
"The Koch network is fighting the wind industry on a number of fronts."

Sanders: GOP 'Just Factually Wrong' About Minimum Wage Hike

Sanders: GOP 'Just Factually Wrong' About Minimum Wage Hike
"Sanders destroyed every GOP claims against raising the minimum wage, while calling their position as 'just factually wrong"."

The Ayn-Rand Worshipping Sears CEO That Blew Up His Multibillion Dollar Empire | Alternet

The Ayn-Rand Worshipping Sears CEO That Blew Up His Multibillion Dollar Empire | Alternet
"Lampert is now known as one of the worst CEOs in America — the man who flushed Sears down the toilet with his demented management style and harebrained approach to retail. Sears stock is tanking."

Monday, December 9, 2013

Put the "United" Back in the United States of America

Put the "United" Back in the United States of America
"Every time a state strikes a corporate welfare "megadeal," the American taxpayer is left to pay the price."

GOP Governors Who Refused Medicaid Expansion Are Screwing Over Their Constituents While Not Saving Money | Alternet

GOP Governors Who Refused Medicaid Expansion Are Screwing Over Their Constituents While Not Saving Money | Alternet
"No state, the study concluded, that is rejecting Medicaid will actually save money in the next decade, even after the federal reimbursement rate drops from 100 to 90 percent. That's because they're still on the hook for a lot of uncompensated care: paying for the health care of all those people who still aren't covered. The study also points out that the citizens of those states will be paying federal taxes that go, in part, to the expansion of Medicaid that they won't see the benefits from.
Between that, and the fact that hospitals are closing in these red states because they can't keep affording to provide uncompensated care, Medicaid refusal is going to become a potent political issue."

The Bankruptcy and Privatization of Detroit Is a Terrifying Preview of What Republicans Want to Do to the Rest of the Country | Alternet

The Bankruptcy and Privatization of Detroit Is a Terrifying Preview of What Republicans Want to Do to the Rest of the Country | Alternet
"The privatization of Detroit is about to begin, and there’s no way the billionaire class is going to miss it."

Three Ways the Super-Rich Suck Wealth Out of the Rest of Us | Common Dreams

Three Ways the Super-Rich Suck Wealth Out of the Rest of Us | Common Dreams
"The facts are indisputable, the conclusion painful. The wealthiest people in the U.S. and around the world have used the stock market and the deregulated financial system to lay claim to the resources that should belong to all of us."

Time to be Afraid in America: The Frightening Pattern of Throwing Police Power at Social Problems | Alternet

Time to be Afraid in America: The Frightening Pattern of Throwing Police Power at Social Problems | Alternet
"Policing overkill has entered the DNA of America's social policy"

Saturday, December 7, 2013

PERRspectives: Red States Face Triple Whammy from GOP Medicaid Rejection

PERRspectives: Red States Face Triple Whammy from GOP Medicaid Rejection
"In Ohio, Governor John Kasich's decision to take Washington's money will actually produce a $400 million surplus for the Buckeye State (one which Republican legislators want to give away in the form of more tax cuts). The simple math-and simpler consideration in insuring millions of indigent patients as the DSH funding is reduced over time is precisely why hospital associations in Texas, Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina and every other state pleaded with Republican governors and legislatures to take Obamacare's money for Medicaid expansion."

Latest Phony Obamacare ‘Horror Story’ Destroyed By Chris Hayes

"The Capital New York story brings up two points that the Fox News coverage managed to leave out. First, they point out that Cornelius Kelly’s original application only listed three of his four children. The second gap in the Fox coverage may be the most important: Cornelius Kelly is a failed Conservative Party candidate for the Suffolk County legislature. So he’s not exactly the unbiased American citizen that Fox News wants you to think he is."

Secretive Right-Wing Group Continues Its War On Clean Energy

"The next day, the paper explained how ALEC “is mobilizing to penalize homeowners who install their own solar panels — casting them as “freeriders” — in a sweeping new offensive against renewable energy”."

Rick Santorum Compares Obamacare To Apartheid, Himself To Nelson Mandela (VIDEO)

"They are so obsessed with destroying the signature legislative achievement of America’s first African-American President, that they are willing to say and do anything to topple it. To date, Republicans have compared Obamacare to Hitler, Stalin, Nazism, communism, slavery, the 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina, and the Holocaust, just to name a few. And now, Rick Santorum has added apartheid to the big list. Republicans oppose Americans having health care so much that they are literally picking any terrible thing throughout history to compare it to in an effort to scare people from supporting it. That’s a true injustice that Nelson Mandela would be disgusted by and so should most Americans."

The Right Wing’s Campaign To Discredit And Undermine Mandela, In One Timeline

"After President Jimmy Carter imposed sanctions on South Africa Reagan reversed course, labeling the African National Congress a terrorist organization."

Remembering The Religious Right's Attacks On Nelson Mandela | Right Wing Watch

Remembering The Religious Right's Attacks On Nelson Mandela | Right Wing Watch
"Mandela faced criticism from Republican leaders including Dick Cheney, who described Mandela’s ANC as a “terrorist organization,” and Jesse Helms, who “turned his back during Mandela’s visit to the U.S. Capitol.” Even in 1998, Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly lumped Mandela together with notorious dictators.
The late Jerry Falwell urged [PDF] his supporters to write their congressmen and senators to tell them to oppose sanctions against the apartheid regime."

Will Local Media Cover ALEC Now That Its Agenda Has Been Exposed?

"As legislative sessions begin next year, will state media outlets begin to question legislation offered by their state representatives, especially those who are known to be members of ALEC? Will state media outlets question their ALEC state chairmen about the loyalty oath and whether they are putting the interests of ALEC interests above those of their state and constituents?"

Rick Santorum Compares Obamacare To Apartheid

"Comparing apartheid — the systematic, institutionalized segregation of the black population of South Africa — to Obamacare — the signature legislative achievement of the United States’ first black president — is among the worst reactions by conservatives to the news of Mandela’s passing. And implying that Mandela would have opposed legislation like the Affordable Care Act is to ignore the reality of the health care system that Mandela himself fought for.
After bringing an end to apartheid rule, Mandela enshrined in the new South African constitution a fundamental right to health care for all citizens, and introduced a government-funded public health care system to help cover those who could not afford the private system already in place."

Friday, December 6, 2013

Koch Networks Fueled 2012 Dark Money Machine

Koch Networks Fueled 2012 Dark Money Machine
"According to Open Secrets, Koch-funded organizations represented one-quarter of the dark money spent in 2012. That's one-quarter of all dark money, not just conservative funding."

Here's ALEC's Plan To Bring Right Wing Policies To States Near You

Here's ALEC's Plan To Bring Right Wing Policies To States Near You
"The documents not only show these organizations' plans for how to serve their oligarchs at the expense of ordinary people, they also reveal a player most people don't hear much about: Searle Freedom Trust. Searle Freedom Trust is closely tied to Donor's Trust, the donor-advised slush fund for conservative causes."

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The lifecycle of an Obamacare lie

The Pathology of the Rich - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself pt1

Army of Rightwing Groups Plan Assault on State Laws in 2014 | Common Dreams

Army of Rightwing Groups Plan Assault on State Laws in 2014 | Common Dreams
"The documents also cast light on the nexus of funding arrangements behind radical rightwing campaigns. The State Policy Network (SPN) has members in each of the 50 states and an annual warchest of $83m drawn from major corporate donors that include the energy tycoons the Koch brothers, the tobacco company Philip Morris, food giant Kraft and the multinational drugs company GlaxoSmithKline."

Rep. Chaffetz Makes Excuses for Refusal to Raise Minimum Wage

Rep. Chaffetz Makes Excuses for Refusal to Raise Minimum Wage
"Never mind that the minimum wage would be $22.62 per hour today if it had grown at the same rate as the earnings of the one percent. Never mind that most minimum wage earners are adults. Never mind that most Americans favor raising the minimum wage. That wasn't going to stop Rep. Jason Chaffetz from defending the Republicans' skewed priorities in the House of Representatives to host Stephanie Cutter on this Wednesday's Crossfire, or pretending that raising it would keep companies from hiring teenagers."

Georgia School 'Terrorized' After Fox News False 'Christmas' Report

Georgia School 'Terrorized' After Fox News False 'Christmas' Report
"Last month, members of school board in South Dakota said that they received death threats after Fox News falsely reported that they had voted to drop the Pledge of Allegiance at schools."

Ohio GOP Resurrects Voter Suppression Efforts | The Nation

Ohio GOP Resurrects Voter Suppression Efforts | The Nation
"But now Ohio Republicans are once again resurrecting efforts to make it harder to vote. Last month, the GOP-controlled Ohio Senate, on a party-line vote, voted to cut early voting by a week, eliminating the “Golden Week” when Ohioans can register and vote on the same day during the early voting period (Senate Bill 238). The legislation was introduced and passed in one week, with almost no time for substantive debate."

Exposed: The Right Wing's National Plan To Crush Green Energy | Common Dreams

Exposed: The Right Wing's National Plan To Crush Green Energy | Common Dreams
"The American Legislative Exchange Council's war on green protections is poised to expand over the next year, taking aim at the Environmental Protection Agency, state regulations, and even solar panels installed in individual homes."

Trickle-Down Economics and Broken Promises

"Yet empirical economic data show that these misguided policies did not deliver on their promises, as our nation’s economy after the tax increases of 1993 significantly outperformed the periods after tax cuts in the 1980s and 2000s. Investment growth, productivity growth, employment growth, middle-class income growth, national fiscal health, and overall economic growth were weaker or declined under trickle-down policies."

What the media isn't telling you about Detroit's bankruptcy

Republicans Vote Against Their Own Survival as the Top 14 Child Poverty States Are Red

"The top fourteen states with the highest percentage of children living in dire poverty are deeply-held red states and far exceed the humiliating national child poverty rate of nearly 24%."

'Low Pay Is Not OK': Fast Food Workers Rise Up with Nationwide Protests | Common Dreams

'Low Pay Is Not OK': Fast Food Workers Rise Up with Nationwide Protests | Common Dreams
"Actions expected in over 100 cities demanding end to poverty wages"

How Wall Street Power Brokers Are Designing the Future of Public Education as a Money-Making Machine | Alternet

How Wall Street Power Brokers Are Designing the Future of Public Education as a Money-Making Machine | Alternet
"Why are Wall Street types investing in local school board elections? Just follow the money."

GOP undercuts Obamacare as sign-ups grow

New Guardian Docs Show ALEC Misled Press, Public

New Guardian Docs Show ALEC Misled Press, Public
"Internal documents from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) published by The Guardian provide stunning insight into the inner workings of the "corporate bill mill" -- and offer new evidence about how the group has continually misled reporters, the public, and even its own members."

Elizabeth Warren wants to know what think tanks are owned by Wall Street

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren apparently doesn't give a fig about what the corporatist Third Way thinks about her and her economic populism. But she does care about who is funding the research from think tanks like Third Way that argues against economic populism. So she is demanding some transparency there. She just sent this letter [pdf] to the heads of JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley."

Taking from the poor this holiday season

Pres. Obama’s powerful offensive speech

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Serious turbulence for Boeing’s labor force

113th Congress Set To Be Least Productive In History; GOP Proud Of Their Do Nothing Record

"It’s no secret that republicans in the House and Senate view the government as the enemy. We should make no mistakes about it. They are there to prevent the government from functioning, not to help it function better. They don’t want to streamline government functions, they want to do whatever they can to keep the government from functioning at all. The fact that they see the complete failure of the 113th Congress to carry out its duties as bragging points, just proves that they don’t belong in government at all."

Remember All Those Obamacare Horror Stories? Not Looking So Bad Now | Alternet

Remember All Those Obamacare Horror Stories? Not Looking So Bad Now | Alternet
"In the absence of facts, conservative media just made things up to fit their narrative."

Insurance Commissioner Compares Pre-Existing Conditions To Car Wrecks: ‘It’s Your Fault’

"Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens (R) has a message for the estimated 57.2 million Americans suffering from diabetes, asthma, cancer, genetic disorders, and other pre-existing medical conditions: it’s your fault."

California Republicans Create Fake Healthcare Website To Mislead Constituents

"Republicans have tried everything in their power to keep the ACA from taking effect. After more than 40 attempts to repeal the law, a failed Supreme Court challenge and a full blown shut down of the US government, they did not succeed. They tried to sabotage the law in every way possible, up to and including a “Destroy Obamacare” program, which was supposed to bring down the national ACA website.
What’s left for them now, except to create a fake healthcare website? They’ll try whatever they can to try to keep people from getting to the truth and then signing up for the ACA.
Misleading voters, billing taxpayers for right wing propaganda, using every kind of deceptive tactic they can think of… there’s really nothing new here. It’s habitual for the party that has no other options left. They can’t stand on the truth. Voters would never accept GOP policies if they were offered at face value. They can only hope that their low information base doesn’t catch on before the next election.
Since statistics show that more and more Republicans are signing up for the ACA every day, the odds of that happening are getting smaller and smaller."

California schemin’

Detroit’s conservative utopia

Can Congress do one useful thing this month?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Detroit Bankruptcy Bankrupts Democracy | The Nation

Detroit Bankruptcy Bankrupts Democracy | The Nation
"There is a lot more at stake in Detroit, and in Michigan, than one city’s balance sheet.
Our understanding of democracy, itself, is being subverted.
The voters of Michigan sent a clear signal last fall. They rejected emergency-manager authoritarianism.
Unfortunately, a federal bankruptcy judge has sided with a governor who could not win an election in Detroit and an approach that Detroit voters rejected.
This has nothing to do with budgeting, debt or broader fiscal matters. Those issues could, and should, be addressed by an elected mayor and city council.
This has everything to do with allowing unelectable and unelected officials—and the interests they serve—to achieve political results that could not be secured at the ballot box."

Want to Cut Food Stamp Spending? Raise the Minimum Wage

Want to Cut Food Stamp Spending? Raise the Minimum Wage
"If minimum wage workers receives a raise, and that increase ripples up through the ever-growing low-wage end of our economy, the need for government assistance will decrease and therefore so will the spending on the programs. The right way to cut spending on assistance for Americans is to decrease the need for that assistance, not decrease assistance for those in need."

CA Assembly GOP Puts Up Fake California Health Exchange Site

CA Assembly GOP Puts Up Fake California Health Exchange Site
"What we have here are elected officials intentionally trying to make California's health exchange fail, and using taxpayer dollars to misinform taxpayers, using the standard fear and loathing tactics as their linchpin."

DonorsTrust—the Right's Dark-Money ATM—Pumps Out Record $96 Million

"Wealthy conservatives use DonorsTrust as a surefire way to invest their money, fingerprint-free, with the assurance it will end up in the right hands."

Health care site works ruining GOP’s plan

How Fast Food Giants Use Loopholes to Avoid taxes, Pay Execs Giant Pay, and the Workers Peanuts | Alternet

How Fast Food Giants Use Loopholes to Avoid taxes, Pay Execs Giant Pay, and the Workers Peanuts | Alternet
"The fast food industry is notorious for handing out lean paychecks to their burger flippers and fat ones to their CEOs. What’s less well-known is that taxpayers are actually subsidizing fast food incomes at both the bottom — and top — of the industry."

The Fake Obamacare Site That Is Trying To Trick Californians

"Despite the GOP’s effort to dissuade Californians from purchasing coverage, however, nearly 80,000 people signed up for health insurance in the state’s new exchange as of late November, with approximately 2,7000 people enrolling daily.
A disclaimer on the site — which is situated next to a link to the Assembly Republican Caucus — notes that “The California State Assembly does not warrant or make any representations as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links and other items contained on this server or any other server.” Indeed."

Oh Hell, 16, 12, 8 — Put Those Worthless Kids to Work!

Oh Hell, 16, 12, 8 — Put Those Worthless Kids to Work!
"Republicans are determined to undo every labor reform we’ve had in this country since sweatshops burned to the ground. And trust me, they don’t mean having their own kids work. They mean your kids."

Judge OK's Detroit Bankruptcy, Puts Public Pensions Under the Axe | Common Dreams

Judge OK's Detroit Bankruptcy, Puts Public Pensions Under the Axe | Common Dreams
"U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes ruled Tuesday that the city of Detroit is eligible for bankruptcy after a long court battle between city appointed 'emergency manager' Kevyn Orr and union and labor activists who say the decision paves the way for workers' pensions to be cut."

Republicans Freak Out as Healthcare.gov Gets Nearly a Million Hits on Monday

"At this point, the GOP has no idea what to do. For the past three years, they have been in ‘repeal Obamacare’ mode. While they couldn’t be bothered to do any actual policy making or passing bills in the House, they found time to hold repeal votes nearly four dozen times. However, as they head back into session, they do not have another repeal vote on the calender. The fact is, they know they can’t do it anymore. Before, when enrollment had not begun, they could go on their rhetorical exercise of holding repeal votes that would never get through the Senate or past the White House. Now, they realize that hundred of thousands of people have already obtained health insurance, and millions more will once they come back in January."

California Ballot Initiative Would Rig Next Presidential Election For Republicans

"The trick behind this proposal is that if would only change the law in California, while leaving red states free to award all of their electors to the Republican"

#PensionTheft: Public Workers Under Attack in Illinois | Common Dreams

#PensionTheft: Public Workers Under Attack in Illinois | Common Dreams
"A critical vote for past, current, and future public workers is set to take place in the Illinois General Assembly today and if Governor Pat Quinn gets his way and deep cuts are made to the pension and retirement rules, critics worry that similar efforts to strip workers of their earned retirement benefits will be replicated nationwide."

PERRspectives: GOP: Founding Fathers Created Defect-Free Constitution, Ended Scourge of Slavery

PERRspectives: GOP: Founding Fathers Created Defect-Free Constitution, Ended Scourge of Slavery
"The Republican National Committee's proclamation honoringRosa Park's "role in ending racism" is continuing to receive the scorn and derision it richly deserves. As it turns out, the GOP's attempt to literally whitewash American history is hardly its first."

Global Elites Getting Nervous About Skyrocketing Inequality (But Won't Spare a Nickel to Fix It) | Alternet

Global Elites Getting Nervous About Skyrocketing Inequality (But Won't Spare a Nickel to Fix It) | Alternet
"Global elites are getting a bit antsy these days.
new study by the World Economic Forum based on a survey of 1,592 leaders from academia, business, government, and the non-profit world suggests that all is not cheery at the top. It seems that elites believe that the second biggest problem facing Planet Earth in 2014 is widening income disparities (unrest in the Middle East and North Africa is their top worry). When it comes to economic issues, elites and ordinary folks are often at odds, but according to a recent Pew survey, they converge on identifying the gap between rich and poor as a major flaw in the system."

Monday, December 2, 2013

ALEC’s Extreme Legislative Agenda for 2014

ALEC’s Extreme Legislative Agenda for 2014
"On ALEC's agenda for 2014 are the following priorities and bills (which will become official ALEC "models" once passed by the task forces -- with corporate lobbyists voting as equals alongside state legislators -- and approved by the board of directors)"

Coca-Cola's Conspiracy Against Tap Water | The Progressive

Coca-Cola's Conspiracy Against Tap Water | The Progressive
"Coca-Cola is running a stealth advertising campaign.
Stealth? Why would a corporation as ad-dependent as Coke spend big bucks on advertising that it doesn't want consumers to notice? Shhhh – because the campaign is a surreptitious ploy to enlist restaurants in a marketing conspiracy that targets you, your children, and – of course – your wallet."

Right-wing garbage debunked: No, regulation doesn’t kill jobs

Right-wing garbage debunked: No, regulation doesn’t kill jobs
"The right loves to warn that regulations will harm "job creators." A new report explains why that's nonsense"

Republicans’ self-hatred swells: The GOP vs. its own base

Republicans’ self-hatred swells: The GOP vs. its own base
"Rick Santorum is unhappy that older people, who tend to vote Republican, are getting insurance via the ACA"

Despite Popular Demand, SEC Will Not Make Corporate Transparency A Priority For 2014

"Unlike last year’s, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s list of regulatory priorities for 2014 does not include consideration of how to ensure public companies provide investors with transparency about their corporate political spending. This comes despite hundreds of thousands of Americans encouraging the agency to do so."

Training for Success: A Policy to Expand Apprenticeships in the United States

"By expanding apprenticeships in the United States, policymakers can create pathways to well-paying middle-class jobs for young Americans, while helping businesses meet the need for skilled workers."

Conservative Claims About Minimum Wage Put To The Test After Town Increases It To $15

"The residents of SeaTac, WA — a little hamlet of 27,667 people — are under attack by the Koch Brothers and affiliated right-wing groups, after the results of their last election. The reason why? The town dared to raise its minimum wage to $15 per hour."