Monday, December 5, 2016

The gold-leaf presidency
"But the truth about Donald Trump is that the image he projects outwardly—of opulence, success, grandiosity—immediately begins to erode if you afford him anything more than a passing glance. His buildings are falling apart and his line of clothing is made overseas. He has no interest in making things to the highest standards so long as he can just pretend to and still charge a premium. If Donald Trump were a house, he would be a McMansion, complete with fake marble columns, cheap fixtures and a mold infestation hidden underneath a fresh coat of paint. Trump is hardly the first businessman to profit from selling a bill of goods. Of greater concern is the fact we are now seeing Trump’s business principles applied to his role as an elected official. For every problem that has arisen during his transition, Trump has reached for whatever cosmetic solution was within his immediate grasp. Crises both foreign and domestic demand nuance and deliberation, but that takes more effort than Trump is willing to provide."