Saturday, June 30, 2012
Florida Insurers To Rebate $113 Million To Policyholders
Florida Insurers To Rebate $113 Million To Policyholders: Thanks to the health care law, Floridians who obtained health insurance without employer assistance will receive rebates between $143 and $949 in August, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. The law requires insurers to spend 80 percent of their premiums on medical costs, and refund the difference to policyholders if they fail to meet the [...]/p
12.8 Million Receive Insurance Rebates As A Result Of Obamacare
12.8 Million Receive Insurance Rebates As A Result Of Obamacare: 12.8 million Americans will receive $1.1 billion in rebates from insurers that have not met minimum spending guidelines in Obamacare, the administration announced Thursday morning. The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of premium dollars on health care services or issue rebates to policy holders. The average rebate is valued [...]/p
Obamacare Brings U.S. Closer To Policies It Has Advocated Overseas
Obamacare Brings U.S. Closer To Policies It Has Advocated Overseas: The Supreme Court’s decision yesterday to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marked a defining moment in the decades long battle to bring affordable healthcare to the U.S. But while healthcare continues to be a divisive issue domestically, the U.S. has funded and advocated for some of the best universal health systems around the world. [...]/p
Corporate Profits at All-Time High; Wages at All-Time Low: Can We Call it Class War Yet? | | AlterNet
Corporate Profits at All-Time High; Wages at All-Time Low: Can We Call it Class War Yet? | | AlterNet
"The middle class is being hollowed out; increasingly, there are the super-super-rich, and there are the rest of us."
"The middle class is being hollowed out; increasingly, there are the super-super-rich, and there are the rest of us."
Friday, June 29, 2012
Analysis: 98.4% of voters on Rick Scott's first purge list are eligible voters
Analysis: 98.4% of voters on Rick Scott's first purge list are eligible voters
"The statistics that we've seen from the first round of Republican Gov. Rick Scott's Florida voter purge are pretty disturbing."
"The statistics that we've seen from the first round of Republican Gov. Rick Scott's Florida voter purge are pretty disturbing."
Romney: Students Should Get ‘As Much Education As They Can Afford’
Romney: Students Should Get ‘As Much Education As They Can Afford’: On the campaign trail Wednesday night in Virginia, Mitt Romney took on the topic of education. While extolling the virtues of America as “the land of opportunity for every single person,” Romney said that he believes students should only be able to get as much education “as they can afford”: I think this is a [...]/p
Obama Threatens To Veto Bill That Defunds Wall Street Reform
Obama Threatens To Veto Bill That Defunds Wall Street Reform: House Republicans, after failing to prevent the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law from passing Congress, have attempted to undermine it by refusing to give Wall Street regulators adequate funds to do their jobs. Both the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are short of the funding they require, and House Republicans [...]/p
Adults only, please: Five things the Romney campaign believes are presidential
Adults only, please: Five things the Romney campaign believes are presidential
"Staking your entire presidential campaign on repealing the very same health care reform policy that you signed into law when governor."
"Staking your entire presidential campaign on repealing the very same health care reform policy that you signed into law when governor."
Mississippi Tea Party Chairman Calls For Open Rebellion Against Federal Government After Obamacare Ruling
Mississippi Tea Party Chairman Calls For Open Rebellion Against Federal Government After Obamacare Ruling: Of all the right-wing meltdowns following yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act, this statement put out by the chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party may take the cake: When a gang of criminals subvert legitimate government offices and seize all power to themselves without the [...]/p
Leading Anti-Obamacare Congressman: ‘I Don’t Want To Hear Any Talk From Republicans About Preserving Any Aspect Of It’
Leading Anti-Obamacare Congressman: ‘I Don’t Want To Hear Any Talk From Republicans About Preserving Any Aspect Of It’: WASHINGTON, D.C. — Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has a message for those Republicans wavering on whether to repeal popular provisions of Obamacare: “it’s all or none.” ThinkProgress spoke with King, who has been leading the fight against Obamacare since it was signed into law, at the Supreme Court following yesterday’s ruling. In an expectedly dour [...]/p
New Tea Party Theory: Kindergarten Leads To Higher Crime Rates
New Tea Party Theory: Kindergarten Leads To Higher Crime Rates
"Please, Rep. Kingsbury, don't let facts get in the way of your fantasies. Here's a fact: Children who attend kindergarten, especially a kindergarten class with small class size and experienced teachers, do better in life, are more likely to go to college, and more likely to earn decent wages."
"Please, Rep. Kingsbury, don't let facts get in the way of your fantasies. Here's a fact: Children who attend kindergarten, especially a kindergarten class with small class size and experienced teachers, do better in life, are more likely to go to college, and more likely to earn decent wages."
Why The Individual Mandate Is Not A ‘Massive Tax Hike’ On The Middle Class
Why The Individual Mandate Is Not A ‘Massive Tax Hike’ On The Middle Class: The Supreme Court ruled today that the Affordable Care Act, the comprehensive health care reform package signed by President Obama in 2010, is constitutional. The Court upheld the law’s most controversial provision, the individual mandate, ruling that it is constitutional under the government’s authority to levy and collect taxes. Republicans have falsely claimed the mandate [...]/p
Taxes Are The New Death Panels: Exposing The Latest Lie About Obamacare
Taxes Are The New Death Panels: Exposing The Latest Lie About Obamacare: Republicans are responding to the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the individual mandate by constructing a new “death panels”-like lie. The law, they argue, imposes a burdensome tax on millions of middle class families who will have to pay a penalty for not purchasing health care coverage by 2014. The line originates in the majority’s decision, [...]/p
Health care ruling a victory for problem-solving policy
Rachel Maddow points out the role of the Affordable Care Act in solving the problem of America's terrible health care system
Why Obamacare Is A Tax Cut For Millions Of Americans
Why Obamacare Is A Tax Cut For Millions Of Americans: Following the Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday that Obamacare, the 2010 health care law, is constitutional under Congress’ ability to tax, Republicans have launched a full court press calling the individual mandate a “massive tax hike.” But as ThinkProgress noted yesterday, there is no massive tax hike: few people will ever pay the penalty, and those [...]/p
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Supreme Court Finds Frivolous Lawsuit to Be Frivolous; Upholds “Obamacare” | News & Politics | AlterNet
Supreme Court Finds Frivolous Lawsuit to Be Frivolous; Upholds “Obamacare” | News & Politics | AlterNet
"The Supreme Court made conservative heads explode and lots of legal experts look clueless today when Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's moderate wing to uphold ObamaCare in its entirety – with a few twists (most legal observers had predicted that if Roberts upholds, Justice Anthony Kennedy would as well, but Kennedy voted to strike down the entire law). It was a historic win for Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration."
"The Supreme Court made conservative heads explode and lots of legal experts look clueless today when Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's moderate wing to uphold ObamaCare in its entirety – with a few twists (most legal observers had predicted that if Roberts upholds, Justice Anthony Kennedy would as well, but Kennedy voted to strike down the entire law). It was a historic win for Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration."
4 Reasons Why Republicans Won’t Be Able To Repeal Obamacare
4 Reasons Why Republicans Won’t Be Able To Repeal Obamacare: Responding to Thursday’s Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Congressional Republicans have scheduled a vote in the House to repeal the law and Mitt Romney pledged to undo the measure if he’s elected president in November. But unless the GOP wins a super majority in the Senate — a scenario [...]/p
Supreme Court Finds Frivolous Lawsuit to Be Frivolous; Upholds “Obamacare” | News & Politics | AlterNet
Supreme Court Finds Frivolous Lawsuit to Be Frivolous; Upholds “Obamacare” | News & Politics | AlterNet
"The Supreme Court made conservative heads explode and lots of legal experts look clueless today when Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's moderate wing to uphold ObamaCare in its entirety – with a few twists (most legal observers had predicted that if Roberts upholds, Justice Anthony Kennedy would as well, but Kennedy voted to strike down the entire law). It was a historic win for Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration."
"The Supreme Court made conservative heads explode and lots of legal experts look clueless today when Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's moderate wing to uphold ObamaCare in its entirety – with a few twists (most legal observers had predicted that if Roberts upholds, Justice Anthony Kennedy would as well, but Kennedy voted to strike down the entire law). It was a historic win for Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration."
'Medicare for All' Must Remain the Goal | Common Dreams
'Medicare for All' Must Remain the Goal | Common Dreams
"Go ahead and wade through the cacophony of responses to the Supreme Court decision. It should be a fascinating excursion through society’s exposed soul at its finest, and at its worst. Some of the responses you will hear will rely on refined cognitive processes and others on fundamental reflexive emotions."
"Go ahead and wade through the cacophony of responses to the Supreme Court decision. It should be a fascinating excursion through society’s exposed soul at its finest, and at its worst. Some of the responses you will hear will rely on refined cognitive processes and others on fundamental reflexive emotions."
Four Reasons Why The Court’s Decision To Uphold Obamacare Is Good News For The Economy
Four Reasons Why The Court’s Decision To Uphold Obamacare Is Good News For The Economy: The Supreme Court today upheld the Affordable Care Act, the health care reform law signed by President Obama in 2010, ruling 5-4 that the law was constitutional. Chief Justice John Roberts joined Justices Sonya Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Elena Kagan on the opinion. The individual mandate, the requirement that all Americans purchase [...]/p
A Supreme Court for the 1 Percent | Common Dreams
A Supreme Court for the 1 Percent | Common Dreams
"he Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision had already given corporations the right to spend freely on behalf of candidates, causes and parties. But that ruling, as dark as it was, left some loopholes. Labor unions, while dramatically less well funded than corporations, still had significant leeway to spend on campaigns. Reformers also hoped that state and local governments would be able to enact limits on corporate campaign overreach."
"he Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision had already given corporations the right to spend freely on behalf of candidates, causes and parties. But that ruling, as dark as it was, left some loopholes. Labor unions, while dramatically less well funded than corporations, still had significant leeway to spend on campaigns. Reformers also hoped that state and local governments would be able to enact limits on corporate campaign overreach."
PERRspectives: Memo to Republicans: Economists Laffer at You, Not with You
PERRspectives: Memo to Republicans: Economists Laffer at You, Not with You
"That tax cut increase revenue may be the view of virtually every Republican. It just happens to be, as the University of Chicago's panel of economists reminded Americans, laughably wrong."
"That tax cut increase revenue may be the view of virtually every Republican. It just happens to be, as the University of Chicago's panel of economists reminded Americans, laughably wrong."
How the Federal Reserve Is Manipulating Our Kids Into Loving Wall Street | Economy | AlterNet
How the Federal Reserve Is Manipulating Our Kids Into Loving Wall Street | Economy | AlterNet
"A Fed-sponsored competition brainwashes teens into putting the capitalist titans of Wall Street on a pedestal."
"A Fed-sponsored competition brainwashes teens into putting the capitalist titans of Wall Street on a pedestal."
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Medicare for all
Medicare for all
"The Republican majority of the Supreme Court is very likely to overturn the Affordable Care Act tomorrow, fully embracing the "let 'em die" attitude that has become the Republican rallying cry."
"The Republican majority of the Supreme Court is very likely to overturn the Affordable Care Act tomorrow, fully embracing the "let 'em die" attitude that has become the Republican rallying cry."
Affordable Care Act's Hidden Escape Hatch
Affordable Care Act's Hidden Escape Hatch
"Let's assume the almost-worst case scenario for Thursday: The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the mandate but leaves all of the consumer protections in place."
"Let's assume the almost-worst case scenario for Thursday: The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the mandate but leaves all of the consumer protections in place."
The American People Are Angry
"In a must see 25 minute speech, Senator Bernie Sanders took to the Senate floor and challenged Congress to break free of its billionaire masters and work for the American people." Copy and paste link to view story:
The Libertarian Mind: Behold The New Normal
The Libertarian Mind: Behold The New Normal
"This is what a sociopath looks like. In the 19th century, the same principle was expressed when Dickens wrote "Let them die, and decrease the surplus population." Yes, people still believe this, especially those who also claim to be Christians."
"This is what a sociopath looks like. In the 19th century, the same principle was expressed when Dickens wrote "Let them die, and decrease the surplus population." Yes, people still believe this, especially those who also claim to be Christians."
As Exxon CEO Calls Global Warming’s Impacts ‘Manageable’, Colorado Wildfires Shutter Climate Lab
As Exxon CEO Calls Global Warming’s Impacts ‘Manageable’, Colorado Wildfires Shutter Climate Lab: Fueled by a warming climate, Colorado is experiencing its worst fire season in its history. As researchers at Boulder’s National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) joined 32,000 other Coloradans in fleeing the fires, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson spoke to the Council on Foreign Relations about the “manageable” risks of climate change: Rex Tillerson said at a meeting at [...]/p
New York GOP Nominates U.S. Senate Candidate Who Thinks Child Labor Laws Are Unconstitutional
New York GOP Nominates U.S. Senate Candidate Who Thinks Child Labor Laws Are Unconstitutional: Yesterday, New York Republicans voted to nominate Wendy Long as their candidate for the U.S. Senate seat held by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). Long, a former law clerk for Justice Clarence Thomas, is best known for spearheading several inaccurate and race baiting attacks against Justice Sonia Sotomayor during Sotomayor’s confirmation process. Despite an impressive legal [...]/p
New York Attorney General Investigating US Chamber of Commerce, Other NonProfits For Laundering Contributions
New York Attorney General Investigating US Chamber of Commerce, Other NonProfits For Laundering Contributions
"This is huge, major, awesome news. Finally, finally, finally someone is investigatingmoney-laundering nonprofit organizations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who recently admitted to funneling secret multi-million dollar contributions from AHIP to astroturf organizations in order to stoke hate for the Affordable Care Act."
"This is huge, major, awesome news. Finally, finally, finally someone is investigating
Chicago Decriminalizes Small Amounts Of Marijuana
Chicago Decriminalizes Small Amounts Of Marijuana: The Chicago City Council has voted 43-2 to “decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.” The city will now “issue a ticket for possession of 15 grams of marijuana or less,” but arrests “would still be mandated for anyone caught smoking pot in public or possessing marijuana in or near a school or in or [...]/p
Montana can't keep corporate money out of it's elections...
the Supreme Court reaffirmed their Citizens United decision - saying Montana can't keep corporate money out of it's elections. Where does the fight go to get money out of politics stands after this latest blow?
Who is Bankrolling the Fight Against "Obamacare?" | Common Dreams
Who is Bankrolling the Fight Against "Obamacare?" | Common Dreams
"The lead plaintiff in the U.S. Supreme Court challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the National Federation for Independent Business (NFIB), is a highly partisan front group masquerading as the "nation's leading small business association," critics say. The nation's highest court is expected to rule on the federal health care law Thursday."
"The lead plaintiff in the U.S. Supreme Court challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the National Federation for Independent Business (NFIB), is a highly partisan front group masquerading as the "nation's leading small business association," critics say. The nation's highest court is expected to rule on the federal health care law Thursday."
Arizona Senate Candidate Rep. Jeff Flake Lobbied To Preserve South Africa’s Apartheid Government
Arizona Senate Candidate Rep. Jeff Flake Lobbied To Preserve South Africa’s Apartheid Government: In 1987, Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) — then a lobbyist for a Namibian uranium mine — testified before the Utah State Senate in support of a resolution backing the apartheid government in South Africa. Flake, a sixth-term GOP congressman and current Arizona senate candidate, opposed sanctions on the segregationist Botha government — largely to support [...]/p
Companies Fight New Regulation That Would Force Them To Disclose Pay Ratio Between CEO And Workers
Companies Fight New Regulation That Would Force Them To Disclose Pay Ratio Between CEO And Workers: Big companies and interest groups that represent them are resisting a piece of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act that is meant to help rein in executive compensation, even as pay for chief executives skyrockets and is increasingly untethered from company performance. The rule, a draft of which is set to be issued at the [...]/p
10 Things You Would Miss About Obamacare
10 Things You Would Miss About Obamacare: The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act this week and could potentially strike down part or the whole of ‘Obamacare.’ Below are 10 things you will miss about the law if the justices invalidate it: 1) Access to health insurance for 30 million Americans and lower premiums. [...]/p
In Ohio, the People Push Back on Fracking | Common Dreams
In Ohio, the People Push Back on Fracking | Common Dreams
"Last week nearly 1,000 people took over the Ohio Statehouse. Joined by others from neighboring states, they came together to protest the destructive gas drilling method called hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." After rallying and marching to the Capitol building, hundreds poured in—without a permit—to hold a "People's Assembly" to decide how they, the people, could end the practice in their state."
"Last week nearly 1,000 people took over the Ohio Statehouse. Joined by others from neighboring states, they came together to protest the destructive gas drilling method called hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." After rallying and marching to the Capitol building, hundreds poured in—without a permit—to hold a "People's Assembly" to decide how they, the people, could end the practice in their state."
New Study Finds No Correlation Between Medical Marijuana Shops And Crime Rates
New Study Finds No Correlation Between Medical Marijuana Shops And Crime Rates: Medical marijuana is already legal in 17 states and the District of Columbia, and seven more states will decide whether to legalize it by the end of this year. As public support for medical marijuana grows, however, some misconceptions about marijuana remain — as illustrated in a recent exchange with a Drug Enforcement Agent official [...]/p
Top 5 Ways Republicans Have Turned Washington DC Into Their Legislative Playground
Top 5 Ways Republicans Have Turned Washington DC Into Their Legislative Playground: Last night, a bill to grant Washington, DC, budget autonomy had to be pulled from the schedule after Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) tacked on restrictions that supported his Republican agenda. According to The Hill, Paul said of the amendments, “‘I think it’s a good way to call attention to some issues that have national implications… [...]/p
Fox News' Karl Rove Problem In A Nutshell
Fox News' Karl Rove Problem In A Nutshell
"It's becoming increasingly clear that Fox News' employment of a "political analyst" who doubles as an adviser to a GOP super PAC is a major ethical problem."
"It's becoming increasingly clear that Fox News' employment of a "political analyst" who doubles as an adviser to a GOP super PAC is a major ethical problem."
Class War at the Supreme Court | Common Dreams
Class War at the Supreme Court | Common Dreams
"On the eve of the Supreme Court’s much anticipated ruling on Obamacare, here is a simple test for detecting the politics behind a decision: When reading the rulings, look for the double standards and answers to questions not posed by the cases themselves. By those measures, the Supreme Court’s record in the past week fairly reeks of the justices’ politics."
"On the eve of the Supreme Court’s much anticipated ruling on Obamacare, here is a simple test for detecting the politics behind a decision: When reading the rulings, look for the double standards and answers to questions not posed by the cases themselves. By those measures, the Supreme Court’s record in the past week fairly reeks of the justices’ politics."
Romney To Visit Electronics Plant In Town Where Bain Laid Off Hundreds Of Electronics Workers
Romney To Visit Electronics Plant In Town Where Bain Laid Off Hundreds Of Electronics Workers: Today, Mitt Romney will bring his campaign to EIT, a circuit-board and electronics manufacturing company, in Sterling, Virginia. But while he is likely to highlight the success of the company, it represents a curious location choice for the Romney campaign. A decade ago, the Northern Virginia suburb was home to a major circuit-board factory for [...]/p
PERRspectives: GOP Goal: Kill Health Care Reform and a Lasting Democratic Majority
PERRspectives: GOP Goal: Kill Health Care Reform and a Lasting Democratic Majority
"For GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell the battle to "kill it and start over" wasn't merely about ensuring that "the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." For twenty years, Republicans have feared not that health care reform would fail the American people, but that it would succeed. To put it another way, the GOP was never really concerned about a "government takeover of health care", "rationing", "the doctor-patient relationship" or mythical "death panels," but that an American public grateful for access to health care could provide Democrats with an enduring majority for years to come."
"For GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell the battle to "kill it and start over" wasn't merely about ensuring that "the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." For twenty years, Republicans have feared not that health care reform would fail the American people, but that it would succeed. To put it another way, the GOP was never really concerned about a "government takeover of health care", "rationing", "the doctor-patient relationship" or mythical "death panels," but that an American public grateful for access to health care could provide Democrats with an enduring majority for years to come."
The Supreme Court and Citizens United
While discussing Citizens United, Bernie Sanders got on the topic of Mitt Romney and with visible disgust slammed the Republican nominee for his Koch clone ways. This is more than Bernie Sanders sounding the alarm about what is happening to our electoral system. Sen. Sanders connected the dots. Mitt Romney and Citizens United are one and the same. Romney is the human embodiment of Citizens United. If the conservative billionaires can get him elected it will set up a long line of future corporate presidential candidates, because Citizens United will have allowed them to buy the presidency.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Republican Congressional Candidate Promises To Impeach Obama Over New Immigration Policy
Republican Congressional Candidate Promises To Impeach Obama Over New Immigration Policy: A Republican congressional candidate in a competitive district is promising to try to impeach President Obama because of his new immigration policy protecting one million undocumented students from being deported. Allen Quist, a former state representative running against Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN) in Minnesota’s 1st congressional district, told a town hall late last week that [...]/p
Americans still blame Bush for economy
Americans still blame Bush for economy
"Nonetheless, these numbers demonstrate the enormous flaw in Romney's strategy of simply trash-talking the economy, because no matter how much trash he talks, Obama isn't the one who is getting the blame. Of course, given that Romney's economic plan is basically Bush's on steroids—and given the fact that Americans blame Bush for our economic challenges—maybe Mitt Romney really doesn't have a better choice."
"Nonetheless, these numbers demonstrate the enormous flaw in Romney's strategy of simply trash-talking the economy, because no matter how much trash he talks, Obama isn't the one who is getting the blame. Of course, given that Romney's economic plan is basically Bush's on steroids—and given the fact that Americans blame Bush for our economic challenges—maybe Mitt Romney really doesn't have a better choice."
Texas GOP Platform Calls For Repealing Voting Rights Act Of 1965
Texas GOP Platform Calls For Repealing Voting Rights Act Of 1965: The Republican Party of Texas released its platform this month, calling on Congress to repeal the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965. “We urge that the Voter [sic] Rights Act of 1965 codified and updated in 1973 be repealed and not reauthorized,” the platform reads. Texas is one of nine states with a history of [...]/p
Predatory For-Profit Colleges Are Sucking Up A Disproportionate Amount Of Aid For Military Veterans
Predatory For-Profit Colleges Are Sucking Up A Disproportionate Amount Of Aid For Military Veterans: As ThinkProgress has documented, predatory for-profit colleges survive mainly due to the federal government, which provides about 90 percent of many schools’ revenue through the various streams of federal aid used by their students. Those students are also much more likely to default on their loans; students who attended for-profit colleges account for nearly 50 [...]/p
EXCLUSIVE POLL: Women’s Health Issues Create Surprising Vulnerability For Eric Cantor’s Reelection Bid
EXCLUSIVE POLL: Women’s Health Issues Create Surprising Vulnerability For Eric Cantor’s Reelection Bid: New polling from Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, one of the more reliably conservative districts in the country, shows surprising vulnerabilities for Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, especially on the issue of women’s health. In the poll from from Harrison Hickman obtained exclusively by ThinkProgress, voters say they would support a pro-choice candidate over a [...]/p
Fighting The Right Wing Voter Suppression Tricks
The GOP came up with a plan shortly after the 2008 elections -- they figured out that if they could just keep 1% of voters from reaching the polls in just nine states in 2012, then they could take back the White House. And they're doing everything they can to make that a reality. Florida governor Rick Scott is already locked in a legal battle over voter purging with the Justice Department, and numerous states across the country are working on other efforts to prevent minorities, the elderly, and college students from reaching the polls this November.
Justice Scalia Cites Pro-Slavery Laws Excluding ‘Freed Blacks’ To Justify His Anti-Immigrant Opinion
Justice Scalia Cites Pro-Slavery Laws Excluding ‘Freed Blacks’ To Justify His Anti-Immigrant Opinion: As ThinkProgress reported yesterday, conservative Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissenting opinion claiming that Arizona’s entire harsh immigration law should be upheld sacrifices both factual and mathematical accuracy in order to attack one of the Obama Administrations recently announced policies. Perhaps the oddest part of Scalia’s dissent, however, is the fact that he actually relied on pro-slavery [...]/p
How Right-Wingers on the Supreme Court Sold Our Democracy Down the River -- Again | | AlterNet
How Right-Wingers on the Supreme Court Sold Our Democracy Down the River -- Again | | AlterNet
"When the gavel fell in the U.S. Supreme Court’s chamber after the justices overturned Montana’s century-old ban on corporate electioneering on Monday, it drove another nail into the coffin of American democracy."
"When the gavel fell in the U.S. Supreme Court’s chamber after the justices overturned Montana’s century-old ban on corporate electioneering on Monday, it drove another nail into the coffin of American democracy."
Monday, June 25, 2012
Court to Super PACs: Full Speed Ahead
Court to Super PACs: Full Speed Ahead
"As we head over the Niagara falls of campaign cash that 2012 has become, the five captains of the ship have declined this chance to change course. That was always the most likely result; but it nonetheless represents a missed opportunity for this Court to make law within a context of actual facts—facts that its majority did not find necessary in Citizens United and did not consider worthy of discussion today."
"As we head over the Niagara falls of campaign cash that 2012 has become, the five captains of the ship have declined this chance to change course. That was always the most likely result; but it nonetheless represents a missed opportunity for this Court to make law within a context of actual facts—facts that its majority did not find necessary in Citizens United and did not consider worthy of discussion today."
Pennsylvania Republican: Voter ID Laws Are ‘Gonna Allow Governor Romney To Win’
Pennsylvania Republican: Voter ID Laws Are ‘Gonna Allow Governor Romney To Win’: This weekend, Pennsylvania Republican House Leader Mike Turzai (R-PA) finally admitted what so many have speculated: Voter identification efforts are meant to suppress Democratic votes in this year’s election. At the Republican State Committee meeting, Turzai took the stage and let slip the truth about why Republicans are so insistent on voter identification efforts — [...]/p
Postal Service Activists Begin Hunger Strike To Protest Closures And Layoffs Caused By Congress
Postal Service Activists Begin Hunger Strike To Protest Closures And Layoffs Caused By Congress: Ten current and former employees of the United States Postal Service (USPS) today launched a multi-day hunger strike to protest branch closures and layoffs that are supposedly meant to address the service’s shortfalls. At the center of the protest is a law passed by Congress that is responsible for the Postal Service’s ongoing budget problems. [...]/p
Studies: Rising Oceans to Wreak Havoc this Century | Common Dreams
Studies: Rising Oceans to Wreak Havoc this Century | Common Dreams
"Rates of sea level rise due to global warming and climate change are increasing three-to-four times faster along highly populated sections of the US northeast Atlantic Coast than they are globally, according to a new US Geological Survey report released Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change."
"Rates of sea level rise due to global warming and climate change are increasing three-to-four times faster along highly populated sections of the US northeast Atlantic Coast than they are globally, according to a new US Geological Survey report released Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change."
5 Reasons America Is Not -- And Has Never Been -- a Christian Nation | Belief | AlterNet
5 Reasons America Is Not -- And Has Never Been -- a Christian Nation | Belief | AlterNet
"The myth that America is a "Christian nation" is not only untrue, but promotes the pernicious idea that non-Christians are second-class citizens."
"The myth that America is a "Christian nation" is not only untrue, but promotes the pernicious idea that non-Christians are second-class citizens."
Supreme Court Decision On Arizona’s Immigration Law Provides Strong Support For Obama’s Immigration Order
Supreme Court Decision On Arizona’s Immigration Law Provides Strong Support For Obama’s Immigration Order: Today, the Supreme Court issued a decision invalidating most of Arizona’s controversial immigration law. Georgetown Law professor David Cole, a vocal civil liberties advocate, called the decision “almost a total victory for the Obama administration,” which challenged the constitutionality of the law. But the decision signaled that the court also views Obama’s recent immigration directive, [...]/p
Give the People What They Want: Real Universal Health Care | | AlterNet
Give the People What They Want: Real Universal Health Care | | AlterNet
"The nutty thing about the health care debate that will play a prominent role in the next election is that most Americans want pretty much the same outcome: to control costs without sacrificing quality"
"The nutty thing about the health care debate that will play a prominent role in the next election is that most Americans want pretty much the same outcome: to control costs without sacrificing quality"
Bank CEO Pay Grew By 12 Percent Last Year, While Worker Wages Near All-Time Lows
Bank CEO Pay Grew By 12 Percent Last Year, While Worker Wages Near All-Time Lows: According to an analysis by the pay research group Equilar, compensation for top bank CEOs grew by nearly 12 percent last year. The Financial Times noted that these increases occurred “despite widespread falls in profits and share prices“: Top US and European bankers, including JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon and Citigroup’s Vikram Pandit, have enjoyed double-digit [...]/p
Koch Brothers Hope to Raise Even More Funds at Secretive Right-Wing Gathering | Common Dreams
Koch Brothers Hope to Raise Even More Funds at Secretive Right-Wing Gathering | Common Dreams
"Charles and David Koch, the secretive oil barons who are attempting to sway the 2012 presidential contest by injecting vast sums of private cash into the electoral process, have moved one step closer to achieving their goal by staging a gathering of right-wing donors in San Diego."
"Charles and David Koch, the secretive oil barons who are attempting to sway the 2012 presidential contest by injecting vast sums of private cash into the electoral process, have moved one step closer to achieving their goal by staging a gathering of right-wing donors in San Diego."
Supreme Court Extends Power of Corporations to Buy Elections | Common Dreams
Supreme Court Extends Power of Corporations to Buy Elections | Common Dreams
"The U.S. Supreme Court may still retain some familiarity with the Constitution when it comes to deciding the nuances of cases involving immigration policy and lifetime incarceration. But when it comes to handing off control of American democracy to corporations, the court continue to reject the intents of the founders and more than a century of case law to assure that CEOs are in charge."
"The U.S. Supreme Court may still retain some familiarity with the Constitution when it comes to deciding the nuances of cases involving immigration policy and lifetime incarceration. But when it comes to handing off control of American democracy to corporations, the court continue to reject the intents of the founders and more than a century of case law to assure that CEOs are in charge."
Supreme Court Upholds Citizens United; Tightens Corporate Stranglehold on Campaign Finance | Common Dreams
Supreme Court Upholds Citizens United; Tightens Corporate Stranglehold on Campaign Finance | Common Dreams
"In a 5-4 decision, the US Supreme Court has struck down (pdf) Montana's 100 year old law that banned direct corporate political campaign spending in state and local elections. The court reversed a lower court ruling, but did so without allowing full briefing or argument in the case."
"In a 5-4 decision, the US Supreme Court has struck down (pdf) Montana's 100 year old law that banned direct corporate political campaign spending in state and local elections. The court reversed a lower court ruling, but did so without allowing full briefing or argument in the case."
Sunday, June 24, 2012
House Republicans Try to Create a World Fit for Criminals | News & Politics | AlterNet
House Republicans Try to Create a World Fit for Criminals | News & Politics | AlterNet
"Why are politicians getting away with deliberately creating a system in which elite white-collar crime can flourish?"
"Why are politicians getting away with deliberately creating a system in which elite white-collar crime can flourish?"
10 Things You Would Miss About Obamacare
10 Things You Would Miss About Obamacare: The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act this week and could potentially strike down part or the whole of ‘Obamacare.’ Below are 10 things you will miss about the law if the justices invalidate it: 1) Access to health insurance for 30 million Americans and lower premiums. [...]/p
PERRspectives: Romney "Sick at Heart" Over Bain Job Losses
PERRspectives: Romney "Sick at Heart" Over Bain Job Losses
"If Mitt Romney becomes the 45th President of the United States, it will be the American people who would become sick at heart. While Paul Krugman predicted "I think Ireland is America's future if Romney is president," his fellow Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz warned, "The Romney plan is going to slow down the economy, worsen the jobs deficit and significantly increase the likelihood of a recession." Or as Mark Hopkins of Moody Analytics summed it up:
"If Mitt Romney becomes the 45th President of the United States, it will be the American people who would become sick at heart. While Paul Krugman predicted "I think Ireland is America's future if Romney is president," his fellow Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz warned, "The Romney plan is going to slow down the economy, worsen the jobs deficit and significantly increase the likelihood of a recession." Or as Mark Hopkins of Moody Analytics summed it up:
"On net, all of these policies would do more harm in the short term. If we implemented all of his policies, it would push us deeper into recession and make the recovery slower."
To put it another way, if Romney wins, America loses. Of course, that sickening result is one Mitt Romney knows all too well."
Saturday, June 23, 2012
‘Nuns on the Bus’ Visits Paul Ryan’s Office
‘Nuns on the Bus’ Visits Paul Ryan’s Office
"A group of nuns led by Sister Simone Campbell is driving from the small towns of the Midwest to the urban centers of the East to protest the House Republican budget authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). Yesterday, they brought their message to Ryan’s door, visiting the congressman’s office in his home town of Janesville, Wisconsin. There, Sister Simone spoke with members of Ryan’s staff and greeted supporters gathered outside."
"A group of nuns led by Sister Simone Campbell is driving from the small towns of the Midwest to the urban centers of the East to protest the House Republican budget authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). Yesterday, they brought their message to Ryan’s door, visiting the congressman’s office in his home town of Janesville, Wisconsin. There, Sister Simone spoke with members of Ryan’s staff and greeted supporters gathered outside."
Romney’s Bain Profited Even As The Companies It Invested In Went Bankrupt, Analysis Reveals
Romney’s Bain Profited Even As The Companies It Invested In Went Bankrupt, Analysis Reveals: Mitt Romney has argued that his business experience as head of Bain Capital from 1984 to 1999 will help him turnaround the economy, reduce the debt and place the nation on a sustainable economic footing. In fact, Romney’s years in the private sector are the centerpiece of his presidential campaign and a way for the [...]/p
Serious People Do Not Use Wealth of People Under Age 35 as a Measure of Their Well-Being | Common Dreams
Serious People Do Not Use Wealth of People Under Age 35 as a Measure of Their Well-Being | Common Dreams
"here is a well-funded effort in this country to try to distract the public's attention from the massive upward redistribution of income over the last three decades by trying to claim that the issue is one of generational conflict rather than class conflict. Billionaire investment banker Peter Peterson is the most well-known funder of this effort, having kicked in a billion dollars of his own money for the cause."
"here is a well-funded effort in this country to try to distract the public's attention from the massive upward redistribution of income over the last three decades by trying to claim that the issue is one of generational conflict rather than class conflict. Billionaire investment banker Peter Peterson is the most well-known funder of this effort, having kicked in a billion dollars of his own money for the cause."
The Gender Gap and the American Presidential Election | Common Dreams
The Gender Gap and the American Presidential Election | Common Dreams
"A Gender Gap will emerge only if women remember who waged the war against women, who fought against their economic inequality and their reproductive rights, and who refused to stimulate the economy to lower unemployment and create a future for American youth."
"A Gender Gap will emerge only if women remember who waged the war against women, who fought against their economic inequality and their reproductive rights, and who refused to stimulate the economy to lower unemployment and create a future for American youth."
PERRspectives: Mitt Romney's Golden Showers
PERRspectives: Mitt Romney's Golden Showers
"And so it goes. If Mitt Romney wins and gets his way in the White House, the very richest Americans will get much, much richer. And it will fall to every other taxpayer in America to replace the billions of dollars of revenue emptied from the Treasury. As Home Depot co-founder Kenneth Langone, who opened his cash spigots for Mitt Romney after Chris Christie decided to pass on a White House bid, explained it during an April lecture at Brandeis University:
"And so it goes. If Mitt Romney wins and gets his way in the White House, the very richest Americans will get much, much richer. And it will fall to every other taxpayer in America to replace the billions of dollars of revenue emptied from the Treasury. As Home Depot co-founder Kenneth Langone, who opened his cash spigots for Mitt Romney after Chris Christie decided to pass on a White House bid, explained it during an April lecture at Brandeis University:
"My notion about giving back is simple: I'm more of a beneficiary of my charity than the recipients of my charity. The more you give back, you think to yourself, 'Hey, maybe the world is a better place because I'm here.'"
If you have any questions about Langone's version of the view that "it's better to give than to receive," you can ask him yourself this weekend. You'll find him in Park City, Utah with Mitt Romney."
Latest GOP Election Law Violation: Keep Fat Cat Donors' Names Secret | | AlterNet
Latest GOP Election Law Violation: Keep Fat Cat Donors' Names Secret | | AlterNet
"In the Senate this week, 10 Republicans led by Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch signed a letter attacking the Internal Revenue Service—which McConnell called the “speech police”—for seeking information about conservative political groups that were incorporated as nonprofit charities but which instead have been primarily engaged in partisan electioneering."
"In the Senate this week, 10 Republicans led by Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch signed a letter attacking the Internal Revenue Service—which McConnell called the “speech police”—for seeking information about conservative political groups that were incorporated as nonprofit charities but which instead have been primarily engaged in partisan electioneering."
If the Supreme Court Rejects Health Care, I (And Millions Like Me) Am Screwed | News & Politics | AlterNet
If the Supreme Court Rejects Health Care, I (And Millions Like Me) Am Screwed | News & Politics | AlterNet
"I’m one of millions of young Americans who may finally be able to get health insurance in the next few years if the Affordable Care Act is not struck down."
"I’m one of millions of young Americans who may finally be able to get health insurance in the next few years if the Affordable Care Act is not struck down."
Friday, June 22, 2012
Injection Wells: The Poison Beneath Us
Injection Wells: The Poison Beneath Us
"Over the past several decades, U.S. industries have injected more than 30 trillion gallons of toxic liquid deep into the earth, using broad expanses of the nation's geology as an invisible dumping ground."
"Over the past several decades, U.S. industries have injected more than 30 trillion gallons of toxic liquid deep into the earth, using broad expanses of the nation's geology as an invisible dumping ground."
Financial Executives Call For A Financial Transactions Tax
Financial Executives Call For A Financial Transactions Tax: In an open letter to G20 and European leaders, 52 experts in the financial industry, including seven former executives from Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, urged the world’s leaders to pass a financial transactions tax (a small tax on stock trades). The letter states that “these taxes will rebalance financial markets away from a short-term [...]/p
Corporate Profits Are At An All-Time High
Corporate Profits Are At An All-Time High: The Business Insider notes that, at the same time that corporate profits are at an all-time high as a percentage of the economy, wages are at an all-time low. Last year, corporations made a record $824 billion, which didn’t stop conservatives from continually claiming that President Obama is anti-business./p
Claim That Obama Did Nothing About Immigration Reform Not True
Claim That Obama Did Nothing About Immigration Reform Not True
"In fact, Obama and the Democrats did try to address immigration reform but were rebuffed by Senate Republicans -- something right-wing media have been trying to erase from the historical record. Moreover, when it became clear that immigration reform would not be attainable, Obama focused his administration's efforts into ramping up enforcement and fortifying the border -- which many Republicansdemanded as a condition for supporting reform."
"In fact, Obama and the Democrats did try to address immigration reform but were rebuffed by Senate Republicans -- something right-wing media have been trying to erase from the historical record. Moreover, when it became clear that immigration reform would not be attainable, Obama focused his administration's efforts into ramping up enforcement and fortifying the border -- which many Republicansdemanded as a condition for supporting reform."
The Wild Conspiracy Theory Driving The Fast And Furious Investigation
The Wild Conspiracy Theory Driving The Fast And Furious Investigation: Here is theory that some Congressional Republicans believe: The Obama Administration intentionally handed over automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels, who they knew would commit violent acts, because they wanted to scare Americans into supporting stricter gun laws. That supposed series of events has now led Congress to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt. [...]/p
Can Vermonters Win Single Payer? | Common Dreams
Can Vermonters Win Single Payer? | Common Dreams
"While the nation waits for an overdue Supreme Court decision that will decide the fate of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, another health care drama with wide implications for universal health care is just starting in Vermont."
"While the nation waits for an overdue Supreme Court decision that will decide the fate of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, another health care drama with wide implications for universal health care is just starting in Vermont."
Five More Issues To Watch Out For On State Ballots this Fall
Five More Issues To Watch Out For On State Ballots this Fall: This November, voters will face ballot questions on a variety of issues. Some initiatives are targeted at denying the rights of working families, women, LGBT people, communities of color, immigrants, and the poor, while others are targeted at implementing better public policy. Ten important issues to watch this November can be found here and here [...]/p
Battleground state Latinos reject Mitt Romney
Battleground state Latinos reject Mitt Romney
"As I've noted before, Romney and his Republicans are digging themselves into a deep hole in key battlegrounds by losing Latinos by such dramatic numbers. And no amount of cheesy web videos will change that dynamic. Particularly not when Latinos see this in the news:"
ROMNEY CAMPAIGN CO-CHAIR: Romney would "rescind" Obama immigration order
— @thinkprogress
"As I've noted before, Romney and his Republicans are digging themselves into a deep hole in key battlegrounds by losing Latinos by such dramatic numbers. And no amount of cheesy web videos will change that dynamic. Particularly not when Latinos see this in the news:"

— @thinkprogress
4 Policies That Can Help Women (And Men) ‘Have It All’
4 Policies That Can Help Women (And Men) ‘Have It All’ A policy analyst at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, and Tara Dawson McGuinness, Senior Vice President for CAPAF. Former State department official Anne-Marie Slaughter’s piece in the Atlantic, entitled “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All,” has set off a fire-storm of discussion about women and [...]/p
REPORT: Most Anti-Environment House Of Representatives In History Voted 109 Times To Enrich Big Oil
REPORT: Most Anti-Environment House Of Representatives In History Voted 109 Times To Enrich Big Oil: The House of Representatives holds the title of the most anti-environment House in congressional history. Led by Republicans, the House has voted against the environment 247 times in the last 18 months, averaging one anti-environmental vote for every day the House has been in session. The newest report, released by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Ed [...]/p
VIDEO: Fox's Gas Price Predictions Fall Flat
VIDEO: Fox's Gas Price Predictions Fall Flat
"n its relentless coverage of rising gas prices, Fox News made some outrageous predictions of $5, $6, $7 and even $8 a gallon gasoline by summer. But these predictions have proven to be nothing more than wishful thinking by a network that hoped to use high prices at the pump as a campaign issue against President Obama."
"n its relentless coverage of rising gas prices, Fox News made some outrageous predictions of $5, $6, $7 and even $8 a gallon gasoline by summer. But these predictions have proven to be nothing more than wishful thinking by a network that hoped to use high prices at the pump as a campaign issue against President Obama."
Mitt Romney: Bring jobs back to America by making America more like China
Mitt Romney: Bring jobs back to America by making America more like China
"What he's talking about when he promises to bring jobs back to America is weakening safety and environmental protections, lowering corporate taxes, keeping workers from organizing for better pay and working conditions.If Romney can accomplish all that, his time at Bain certainly does qualify him to exploit the giant new pool of low-wage, poorly protected workers that would result."
"What he's talking about when he promises to bring jobs back to America is weakening safety and environmental protections, lowering corporate taxes, keeping workers from organizing for better pay and working conditions.If Romney can accomplish all that, his time at Bain certainly does qualify him to exploit the giant new pool of low-wage, poorly protected workers that would result."
What About Some Corporate Patriotism! | Common Dreams
What About Some Corporate Patriotism! | Common Dreams
"After all, General Electric, DuPont, Citigroup, Pfizer and others demand that they be treated as “persons” under our Constitution and our laws. And, they expect unfiltered loyalty from American workers even to the point of blocking the organization of unions so workers can band together for collective bargaining.
"After all, General Electric, DuPont, Citigroup, Pfizer and others demand that they be treated as “persons” under our Constitution and our laws. And, they expect unfiltered loyalty from American workers even to the point of blocking the organization of unions so workers can band together for collective bargaining.
Moreover, many of these corporations expect to be bailed out by American taxpayers when they are in trouble, and they regularly receive a covey of direct and indirect government subsidies, giveaways and complex handouts."
Mitt Romney's Bain invested in companies that specialize in moving jobs overseas
Mitt Romney's Bain invested in companies that specialize in moving jobs overseas
"Bain was doing its job here: Bain's job was to maximize investor profit, not to create jobs or give a single damn about American workers. And while Romney is campaigning as a job creator, this is his actual record. It's also how he'd govern. The Romney-endorsed Ryan Republican budget would create incentives for companies to move investments overseas. This is not an incidental part of Mitt Romney's record. It's who he is."
"Bain was doing its job here: Bain's job was to maximize investor profit, not to create jobs or give a single damn about American workers. And while Romney is campaigning as a job creator, this is his actual record. It's also how he'd govern. The Romney-endorsed Ryan Republican budget would create incentives for companies to move investments overseas. This is not an incidental part of Mitt Romney's record. It's who he is."
Romney Doesn’t Dispute He Helped Send Jobs Overseas, Tells Press To Call It ‘Offshoring’ Not ‘Outsourcing’
Romney Doesn’t Dispute He Helped Send Jobs Overseas, Tells Press To Call It ‘Offshoring’ Not ‘Outsourcing’: The Washington Post reported today that Bain Capital, the private equity firm Mitt Romney headed for 15 years, invested extensively in companies that moved jobs overseas to low-wage countries like China. The practice contradicts the rhetoric of candidate Romney, who since announcing his presidential ambitions, has criticized government policies that have led to jobs, particularly [...]/p
GOP Congressman Says Ryan’s Medicare Plan Would Hurt Seniors
GOP Congressman Says Ryan’s Medicare Plan Would Hurt Seniors: House Republicans approved a budget in April that would drive up Medicare costs for seniors, and Mitt Romney has embraced the plan crafted by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). But not all in the party are in agreement. Ten Republicans voted against Ryan’s budget in April, and now, Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) is campaigning on his [...]/p
Second Republican Campaigns Against Republican Budget: ‘It Harms The Medicare Program Seniors Rely On’
Second Republican Campaigns Against Republican Budget: ‘It Harms The Medicare Program Seniors Rely On’: In an effort to paint himself as an independent who doesn’t always toe the party line, Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg (R) is touting his opposition to the House Republican budget in an ad released by his Senate campaign. Rehberg, who is running to unseat Sen. Jon Tester (D), voted against the GOP’s budget plan for [...]/p
People with pre-existing conditions could be dumped back into the no-coverage world
People with pre-existing conditions could be dumped back into the no-coverage world
"Yes, Ms. Kaine, Republicans and their five allies on the Supreme Court will dump you right back into the world of no coverage. And they'll do it happily."
"Yes, Ms. Kaine, Republicans and their five allies on the Supreme Court will dump you right back into the world of no coverage. And they'll do it happily."
Austerity-Crazed Republicans, Big Banks Are Killing Public Transportation | Common Dreams
Austerity-Crazed Republicans, Big Banks Are Killing Public Transportation | Common Dreams
"Yet, Republican-led austerity is pushing public transit, like most everything public, into severe fiscal and physical crisis. All at the very moment when we want and need it the most. Nationwide, 80% of mass transit systems either did move to boost fares and cut services or considered doing so in 2010, according to the most recent report from the American Public Transportation Association."
"Yet, Republican-led austerity is pushing public transit, like most everything public, into severe fiscal and physical crisis. All at the very moment when we want and need it the most. Nationwide, 80% of mass transit systems either did move to boost fares and cut services or considered doing so in 2010, according to the most recent report from the American Public Transportation Association."
With New Burden on Unions, Court Tips the Balance Toward Corporations | Common Dreams
With New Burden on Unions, Court Tips the Balance Toward Corporations | Common Dreams
"The most politically partisan—and politically activist—Supreme Court in modern American history has already assumed that, when it comes to electioneering, corporations have pretty much the same rights as human beings. Indeed, the High Court’s Citizens United ruling has given corporations unprecedented flexibility to act on their own behalf to influence election campaigns and results."
"The most politically partisan—and politically activist—Supreme Court in modern American history has already assumed that, when it comes to electioneering, corporations have pretty much the same rights as human beings. Indeed, the High Court’s Citizens United ruling has given corporations unprecedented flexibility to act on their own behalf to influence election campaigns and results."
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Insurers will have to pay out $1.1 billion in rebates if Obamacare survives the Supreme Court
Insurers will have to pay out $1.1 billion in rebates if Obamacare survives the Supreme Court
"If there's any silver lining to this, it's that for one year, insurance companies generally didmeet the demands of the law. Before the provision was enacted, health care system experts expected that rebates owed would be over $2 billion. Which means the law did what it was supposed to: make insurers spend more on covering actual health care."
"If there's any silver lining to this, it's that for one year, insurance companies generally didmeet the demands of the law. Before the provision was enacted, health care system experts expected that rebates owed would be over $2 billion. Which means the law did what it was supposed to: make insurers spend more on covering actual health care."
From “ Racist,“ To “ Dick,“ To Heckling: How The Press Treats Obama
From “ Racist,“ To “ Dick,“ To Heckling: How The Press Treats Obama
"You probably can't even count the number of insults and smears that have been hurled at Obama by the GOP press, although Sally Kohn recently did a nice job of highlight some of the more vile broadsides:"
"You probably can't even count the number of insults and smears that have been hurled at Obama by the GOP press, although Sally Kohn recently did a nice job of highlight some of the more vile broadsides:"
Latest Supreme Court Decision Another Conservative Attack on Unions
Latest Supreme Court Decision Another Conservative Attack on Unions: A Supreme Court’s ruling today, in the Knox v. SEIU case, makes it much harder for unions to carry out their activities, leaving workers in an even more tenuous position in the wake of Citizens United. California law allows SEIU Local 1000 to represent nonunion members in contract negotiations, along with union workers. In exchange, [...]/p
Republicans Holding Nearly 3 Million Transportation Jobs Hostage For 6,000 Temporary Oil Jobs
Republicans Holding Nearly 3 Million Transportation Jobs Hostage For 6,000 Temporary Oil Jobs: With as many as 2.9 million new and existing jobs on the line, House Republicans are refusing to pass a transportation reauthorization bill, even after the Senate’s version of the bill overwhelmingly passed through the upper chamber in a 74-22 bipartisan vote. The deadline for new transportation funding is June 30, and if the calendar [...]/p
Members Who Supported Massive Giveaway To Big Oil Have Received $38.6 Million From The Industry
Members Who Supported Massive Giveaway To Big Oil Have Received $38.6 Million From The Industry: The House of Representatives, which already holds the title of the most anti-environment House ever, today added another mark to the list — the Domestic Energy Production Act, H.R. 4480. The act is specifically designed to increase oil and gas development, with measures that block safeguards from smog and pollution and mandate drilling on public [...]/p
Republican Congressman’s Advice For Mitt Romney: Start Bragging About Your Wealth
Republican Congressman’s Advice For Mitt Romney: Start Bragging About Your Wealth: Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) has some advice for Mitt Romney as he campaigns for the presidency: start bragging about your wealth. During a town hall meeting in Elmhurst this past weekend, Walsh told constituents that because making money is a good thing, Romney’s key to success is to tout his wealth. He advised Romney to [...]/p
More Americans Say They're Better Off Than They Were 4 Years Ago
More Americans Say They're Better Off Than They Were 4 Years Ago
"Bad news for Team Willard on Wednesday. In addition to a new Bloomberg poll that showed Obama with a 13-point lead, there was this interesting tidbit."
"Bad news for Team Willard on Wednesday. In addition to a new Bloomberg poll that showed Obama with a 13-point lead, there was this interesting tidbit."
Shock: The traditional media had a conservative bias on Obamacare
Shock: The traditional media had a conservative bias on Obamacare
"the traditional media utterly failed in explaining it. Instead of talking about the legislation itself, the media talked about the process and the political fights. And it talked about it using the Republicans' framing. That's not just a liberal's complaint. It's the conclusion of researchers from the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism."
"the traditional media utterly failed in explaining it. Instead of talking about the legislation itself, the media talked about the process and the political fights. And it talked about it using the Republicans' framing. That's not just a liberal's complaint. It's the conclusion of researchers from the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism."
Darrell Issa Shows Contemptible Disregard for the Constitution | Common Dreams
Darrell Issa Shows Contemptible Disregard for the Constitution | Common Dreams
"House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa -- the headline-hungry California Republican who on Wednesday engineered a committee vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt -- forgot that essential rule."
"House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa -- the headline-hungry California Republican who on Wednesday engineered a committee vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt -- forgot that essential rule."
In Health Care, Give the People What They Want: Medicare for All | Common Dreams
In Health Care, Give the People What They Want: Medicare for All | Common Dreams
"As the nation awaits a Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the Obama health care approach, a new Associated Press-GfK poll suggests that the vast majority of Americans want Congress to come up with a better plan. They know that the current system is unsustainable. Only a third of those polled favored the law President Barack Obama signed, but according to the AP, “whatever people think of the law, they don’t want a Supreme Court ruling against it to be the last word on health care reform.” The article continued, “More than three-fourths of Americans want their political leaders to undertake a new effort, rather than leave the health care system alone if the court rules against the law, according to the poll"."
"As the nation awaits a Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the Obama health care approach, a new Associated Press-GfK poll suggests that the vast majority of Americans want Congress to come up with a better plan. They know that the current system is unsustainable. Only a third of those polled favored the law President Barack Obama signed, but according to the AP, “whatever people think of the law, they don’t want a Supreme Court ruling against it to be the last word on health care reform.” The article continued, “More than three-fourths of Americans want their political leaders to undertake a new effort, rather than leave the health care system alone if the court rules against the law, according to the poll"."
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